After Mr Duffey sadly passed away in the Autumn term, we were without a caretaker for our school.
I’m pleased to tell you that from Monday 01 February, Mrs Paula Barton began a new job in school: Facilities Assistant, a job which involves much of what Mr Duffey used to do in looking after the school. Mrs Barton is already a familiar face around school – she’s our cook! You’ll see Mrs Barton around school at the start and end of the day.
Someone you’re less likely to see will be our new Maintenance Assistant. This is Mr Nigel Barton (Mrs Barton’s husband) who will do any maintenance and repair jobs around school. Mr Barton will work when needed, and this will often be after the school day.
You may be interested to know that the money collected following Mr Duffey’s death will be used to buy a bird box as he loved birds so much. We continue to miss him around school.