Do adverts put too much pressure on young people?

Monday 17 January 2011

Farhan is one of two Advisors to the Children’s Comissioner from Moortown Primary.  To all children and young people, he writes:

Do you feel that you have to buy certain things and look a certain way just to be cool?

The goverment has promised to help and protect young children from bad advertising, so the Children’s Commisioner for England would like to hear your views. She would like as many children and young people to fill out this survey so that your opinions can be put into action.

The survey will only take about 10 minutes and there are no right or wrong answers – this is all about your views and feelings. Nobody will ever know who gave what answers – it is totally anonymous, so please be honest!

The closing date is Friday 28th January 2011.

Thank you.
