Hello there and welcome to Year Six’s Class News, 2011-12.
It’s been an excellent start to the year with everyone showing a positive attitude to their learning. The children are already focused and committed to being the best they possibly can.
Here’s just a few reminders and some information to start the year off:
I read with every child in a small group once a week. Other staff in the class may read with them too, but it’s really important that children read at home as well. It doesn’t have to be story books – factual books, newspapers (children’s ones are available if you look), comics, magazines or websites are all good, too. This year, we’re going to be concentrating on understanding the meaning behind the words authors use and why characters behave and react as they do. You can help your child by asking questions about characters’ plots and settings rather than simply hearing them read.
Homework is due nearly every week, just like the rest of the school. It’s given out on Fridays and is due on Wednesdays. This gives children three evenings and two whole weekend days to do the homework, which should be plenty of time. At Moortown, we expect each piece of homework to take around 30 mins – 1 hour. This could be done in three 15 minute sessions or one long fun session. One of the Year 6 team will mark the homework and feedback to the children their stars (things they have done well) and their steps (things that need a little more work). This will either be done verbally or in writing.
Spellings are given out on Fridays and tested the following Friday. Children should practise them by whatever works for them, but I recommend the tried and tested method: READ IT> COVER IT > WRITE IT > CHECK IT.
Times Tables
Each week children are asked to practise their times tables. By Year 4, children should know their tables, so by Year 6, they should be really quick and accurate with all tables (and division facts) up to their 10s. If your child isn’t up to speed, I can’t stress enough how important it is for them to spend more time practising. Children’s ability with number affects loads of their maths and times tables is a vital part of that. 5 – 10 minutes every day is perfect. Don’t forget division facts too.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to pop in and see me.