Our recent Staying Safe themed week was a big success with a variety of visitors and visits across the week. These included Emergency First Aid, food safety and cooking at Allerton Grange, drugs awareness (d:side), fire safety (Moortown Fire Station), road and firework safety and stranger danger (Police) and staying safe around dogs (Dogs Trust). Have a look on the class news pages to see some photos from the week.
The key message was how to be safe in a variety of situations:
‘I learnt how to use a knife, for chopping vegetables, safely by not cutting towards you.’
‘Be safe near the oven.’
‘I have learnt how to put somebody in the recovery position.’
‘I have learnt that you should not go into the water to save someone.’
‘The surface of the water is warm but the bottom is cold and people who can swim can still drown.’
‘Never give out your personal information.’
Here are some useful websites if you would like to follow up any of the work done by your child / children throughout the week:
General safety
Staying Safe online
Fire Safety
Road Safety
Electricity Safety
Food safety