Living and Learning: I can assess my own risks

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Following our staying safe learning last week, we thought about how that links with another area of living and learning, rights and responsibilities.

I have the right to be safe.

I have responsibility to make safe choices.

This week, our living and learning statement encourages us to take responsibility for our own safety.  Using the learning from our themed week, we thought about how we can assess our own risks and stay safe.

‘I take responsibility for my safety online by never giving my personal information and password.’ Sophia

‘I take responsibility for my safety online by not playing with others  who are being mean.’ Gabriel H

‘I take responsibility for my safety at home by not jumping on my bed.’ Jodie

‘I take responsibility for my safety at home by tidying up my toys after I have used them so nobody trips up.’ Iris

‘I take responsibility for my safety at school by following instructions.’ Junior

‘I take responsibility for my safety at school by having four legs of my chair on the floor.’  Zain

‘I take responsibility for my safety in my environment by not talking to strangers.’ Gurvar

‘I take responsibility for my safety in my environment by not stroking dogs that I don’t know or if I haven’t asked their owner.’ Ewan

Ask your child about other potentially unsafe situations and how they can take responsibility and assess their own risks.