Transition to Year 1

Friday 03 April 2020

In the latest questionnaire sent home to parents, a lot of you asked about transition to Year 1.  There are many things that we do to prepare your child for the move into KS1 but I am very aware that this may look different this year. If school re-opens while they are still in Reception, this is what will be in place:

Many things will stay the same: some areas of provision, support for your child, individual needs being met; continuation of phonics teaching; and communication with parents.  Even though, there are a lot of changes, many of them are practical arrangements and the rest is very gradual.

I understand that you may be anxious as transition arrangements may look a bit different this year; whatever happens, we will approach it in a way that means you and your child have as much chance as possible to explore any changes.

In the meantime, take a look at the class news and homework for Year 1 so you can see what they have been learning. Remember the age related expectations for all year groups are on the website, along with information about the National Curriculum; this might give you a broader picture of Year 1.

Once school re-opens, we will discuss transition further but I hope that this information answers some of your questions.