Summer 1: Week 4

Friday 12 May 2023

This week, we’ve been learning about tropical rainforests. We’ve been painting animal patterns, finding the Amazon Rainforest on Google Maps, making jungles in the playdough area and writing sentences about our favourite animals.
We’ve been reading Walking Through the Jungle by Julie Lacome.

This repeating story was great for retelling. We talked about what a  verb is and looked for them in the story: walking, running, leaping, swinging, creeping and wading. Click here to watch us act out the story!

Help at home: Can you hear the verbs? Can you think of a new verb to describe an action?

In our writing, we’ve been re-writing parts of the story in our own words.
This week, we focused on reading and writing longer words and compound words. We learnt 4 new tricky words: there, when, what, one.

Help at home: Do the weekly home learning phonics sheets. You’re child will have two sheets in their bookbag.

This week, we continued to develop our understanding of the composition of numbers to 10 using different representations. We investigated different ways to represent 10 sausages from the counting rhyme, ‘10 Fat Sausages’. We also use our fingers, 10-frames and Hungarian number patterns to begin to explore ‘5 and a bit’ numbers to 10.

We used butterbeans to represent the sausages. We put 10 sausages into a cup and pretended to sizzle them. We tipped the 10 sausages onto a plate and checked how many were burnt and how many were not burnt.

Help at home: Use a frying pan/saucepan and double-sided objects (you could make your own counters out of card) to represent 10 fat sausages. Sing the song and drop your objects into the pan. How many ‘sausages’ are burnt? How many are not burnt? How many altogether?

Here’s an example

Poetry Picnic
This week’s poem was called A Little Shell. We hope you enjoy it!

Diary dates

Have a fantastic weekend. Don’t forget to email your pictures from home…

See you on Tuesday!