Autumn 2: Week 6

Friday 15 December 2023

This week, we’ve had lots of fun getting into the Christmas spirit. We’ve been busy doing lots of chilli challenges in the areas of provision.

Santa’s elves enjoyed decorating the role-play area ready for Christmas.

We used our fine motor skills to make Christmas trees in the playdough area.

We used our segmenting skills to write letters to Santa.

We practised our cutting skills when making paper chains at the finger gym table.

We used our subitising skills in the maths area.
Phonics help at home
Your child should have a phase 2 tricky word mat in their bookbags. Please practise reading these at home over the Christmas holidays.

Next half term, we’ll be starting phase 3. In this phase, the children will continue to learn more digraphs (two letters making one sound) and they’ll be introduced to some trigraphs (three letters making one sound).

Don’t forget to attend our Phase 3 phonics stay and learn session on Tuesday 16 January.
This is an opportunity for you watch a phase 3 phonics lesson and see your child’s progress. 

We’ve been reading the The Jolly Christmas Postman. We enjoyed looking at all the different things inside the envelopes. This morning, some of the children went to post their postcards. Make sure you look out for them in the post!
Poetry Picnic
Click here to watch this week’s poem.

For our final gymnastic session, we decided to practise our jumping skills.
Next half-term, PE will be on a Tuesday.  Please make sure your child comes to school wearing their PE kit suitable for outdoor PE.

Christmas events happening next week…
Reception, Y1 & Y2 will present their Christmas production, ‘Lights Camel Action’.
There will be two performances:
Tuesday 19 December – 2.15pm – 3.00pm
Wednesday 20 December – 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Friday 22 December – Non-uniform day and Christmas party

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who came to the learning journey drop in sessions. We hope you enjoyed looking through your child’s books. We are super proud of the progress the children have made this half-term. Keep up the good learning, Reception!