During PE this week, the children have been developing their racket skills.
They have been learning how to control a ball on a racket and developing their technique of hitting the ball to a target.
This week in maths, we have been looking at what 5 needs in order to make numbers. For example, 5 needs 3 to make 8.
Help at home: by giving your child a number that is between 5-10. Ask them what 5 needs in order to make that number.
During topic this week, we have been comparing the city to the seaside.
The children were able to list some things that they might find at the seaside and some things that they might find in the city.
We have been focusing on forming the letters c, o, a, d and g this week.
Help at home: by practising these with your children. These can be done with chalk, in sand, using coloured pencils or pens.