Living and Learning: Staying Safe Week

Friday 12 July 2024

This week we have been learning all about how to stay safe in lots of different places.


On Monday we had an assembly about road safety. The children listened excellently and learnt all about how and where to cross the road safely. THINK, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN!

Later in the day we had a talk from a member of the Canals and Rivers trust about how to stay safe near water. We also had a visit from D:Side Dave which the children always enjoy!


We had an assembly about online safety delivered by Louise from West Yorkshire Police. We followed this up in class by discussing our digital footprint and how we use the internet at home and at school.

We also followed up yesterday’s assembly on road safety by talking about how to stay safe on bikes and scooters.


Today, a member of the RNLI came to visit and we learnt all about their amazing work. We also found out about how to stay safe in the water and what to do if we, or somebody else, gets in difficulty. We now all know the importance of floating like a starfish!

In class, we talked about how to stay safe at home and the different hazards there may be. The children were very knowledgeable and sensible during these discussions.


On Thursday morning we had a visit from the Dog’s Trust. We spoke about the 5 Golden Rules to stay safe around dogs.

We also spoke about how to keep safe in the sun. The children designed some great posters to help people remember what to do.

In the afternoon, we had a visit from British Military Martial Arts. The children loved getting active and testing out their martial arts skills!


This morning we had visitors from Catering Leeds who taught all about how to stay healthy and hygienic. We talked about where you might find germs and practised our hand washing technique.

Our final visitor of the week helped us with some first aid! We learnt what to we needed to do if we found someone who wasn’t moving. We practised shouting for help, listening for breathing and doing chest compressions. We all did a fantastic job!

Help at home by discussing with your child all that they have learnt this week and how they can keep themselves safe.