Living and Learning: Democracy

Tuesday 15 October 2024

This week in L&L, we’ve been focusing on one of our British Values – democracy. Democracy means that power is in the hands of the people.

Our topic this half-term has been Ancient Greece. The Ancient Greeks founded democracy so the children already had a great understanding of what this meant.

The word democracy comes from Greek:

We’ve learnt about democracy in our country and how this works. The children were really interested in learning about the central and local government and the roles of political parties. We also discussed how we’re involved in democratic decisions at school:

We get to vote for how we use our reward time.

We get to vote for our JLT in school.

At the start of the year we got to vote for the name of our class reward points.

Next week, we’ll have our own democratic vote to elect our new JLT members for this year.

Help at home: create your speech for becoming a JLT candidate.

“I would be a great leader because I listen to, and respect, other’s views.”

“I would help Year 4 by listening to your opinions and ideas and sharing these with Mr Wilks and Mrs Weekes.”