Living and Learning: What is democracy?

Tuesday 15 October 2024

This week, Year 3 learnt about what is democracy and how we can become involved in democratic decisions.

Democracy, one of the British Values, meansrule by the people’. It comes from the Greek words dêmos (people) and krátos (rule or strength). This has linked to our Topic learning because the Ancient Greeks, more specifically the Athenians, who created the idea of democracy.

We learnt about how democracy works in this country. This included learning about central and local government, what services government provide for the people and the role of political parties.

Next week, we’ll have our own democratic vote to elect our new JLT members for this year.

Help at home: Create your speech for becoming a JLT candidate.

What good qualities do you have to be a good leader?

“I would be a great leader because I am a good listener.”

How can you help your class?

“I would help Year 3 by sharing your ideas with Mrs Weekes.”