This week, we’ve thoroughly enjoyed a wide variety of visitors from our local community!
Lyndsey came to talk to us about being a positive role model and taught us a new word – upstander!
Help at home by asking your child to explain what this means!
We looked at jobs and how, sadly, stereotyping has meant that either boys or girls feel like they can’t follow that career. But that’s not true!
We’ve had a great time working together and experiencing lessons that aren’t on our typical timetable.
Lots of what we’ve covered about our community has been rooted in British Values and making sure everyone feels welcome and included. We are really confident about Protected Characteristics!
We even got to Zoom some other Y6 children from Sphere Federation to find out what their lives are like at their schools. We found out about their religions, class rewards and favourite authors. There were a lot of similarities amongst some differences.