Summer 1: Week 2

This week, we’ve been observing our caterpillars daily to see how much the they’ve grown.
We’ve also been talking about the life cycle of a butterfly.
Help at home: Can your child remember the four stages? Draw a picture of the life cycle.

We are super writers!
This week, we’ve been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. On Monday, we made our own story maps.

After reading and retelling the story, we used our imagination to write our own versions of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We changed the main character and the food.

The Very Hungry Cat
The Very Hungry Spider
The Very Hungry Tiger
The Very Hungry Ladybird


On Tuesday, they enjoyed their first session of PE with Mr McGriffiths. This half-term, they’ll play a game called Hulk Smash to develop their balls skills.

This week, we continued to develop our subitising skills. We used our understanding of doubles to support our subitising skills when looking at different arrangements. We created arrangements of 6 using different objects. We thought carefully about how we can arrangement the objects so it’s easier to subitise– e.g. 2 groups of 3. We then played a game called Odd One Out. We had to spot an arrangement that was not 6.

Poetry Picnic
This week’s poem was called Under a Stone.

Thank you and goodbye Reception!
Reception, I’ve loved teaching you this year. From starting school to going on your first school trip, we’ve shared many amazing memories together. You’ve made tremendous progress and I’ve no doubt you’ll continue to shine and make your new teacher proud.

Finally, keep reading and enjoy the rest of your time in Reception! I look forward popping back into school to see you all with Baby Wood.


Summer 1: Week 1

Welcome back! We hope you all had a happy and healthy break.

This half-term our topic is called Life on Earth.  Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be learning more about life cycles. We’ll closely observe caterpillars to help us understand the different stages of a life cycle.

Yesterday morning, a parcel arrived at school… It was 5 tiny caterpillars!
On Wednesday morning, we used hand drills to make a bug hotel. We also used saws, hammers and screwdrivers. After that, the creative area has been really busy. They’ve really enjoyed making lots and lots of holes with the hand drills.

This week, we’ve started Phase 4. In this phase children will use the phonemes learnt in Phase 2 and Phase 3 to read and spell words with four or more phonemes and words ending in suffixes:
–ing, –ed /t/, –ed /id/ /ed/, –est

Here are some examples:
CVCC words: tent, damp, toast
For example, in the word ‘damp’, d = consonant, a = vowel,  m = consonant,  p = consonant

CCVC words: swim, plum, spoon
For example, in the word ‘plum’, p = consonant, l = consonant, u = vowel, m = consonant

CCVCC words: stamp, crept, twist
For example, in the word ‘stamp’, s = consonant, t = consonant, a = vowel, m = consonant, p = consonant

CCCVC words: strap scrub strong
For example, in the word, ‘strap’, s = consonant, t = consonant, r = consonant, a = vowel, p = consonant

CCCVCC words: strand strict sprint
For example, in the word, ‘sprint’, s = consonant, p = consonant, r = consonant, i = vowel, n = consonant, t = consonant 

They’ll also learn to read and write 18 new tricky words.

Help at home: Practise reading and writing this week’s tricky words.
said    so    have    like

Poetry Picnic
This week’s poem was called Pitter Patter.

Some more fantastic learning…


Spring 2: Week 6

I can’t believe we’re at the end of our second term in Reception! The children have made tremendous progress in all areas of the Early Years curriculum.

Summer 1
Next half-term, we will be learning about bugs and going on lots of bug hunts for bugs. We will learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and hopefully set some butterflies free! We will use hand drills to build a bug hotel for our outdoor area.

Linked to Geography, we will find out where our favourite animals come from. We will locate countries on a map, look at different environments, and compare them to the UK.

As artists, we will mix colours to create camouflage patterns. We will also create landscapes for various animals using our small world resources in the classroom, and create scenarios and storylines for our play.

Poetry picnic
This week’s poem was called The Tiny Seed.  Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about what plants need to grow. Can your child remember what plants need?

Reminders and upcoming dates

  • Don’t forget to keep reading your Collins eBooks over the holidays.
  • Monday 06 May – Bank holiday
  • Monday 24 May – Training day: school closed

As always, I hope you all have a happy and healthy half-term break. Don’t forget to email me any pictures of what you get up to in the holidays.
I look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 15 April.

Spring 2: Week 5

This week, we’ve seen lots of super independent learning!

We used watercolours to do observational paintings of daffodils.

We explored printing natural objects into clay.

We looked carefully at seeds and sorted them into groups. Our word of the week was miniscule. We used this word to describe the seeds.

We’ve been observing our beans to see if they’ve changed. This morning, we noticed a shoot!

This week, we used our perceptual subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting) to build on our understanding of equal amounts. We used dice patterns and fingers to explore doubling quantities to 10.   We used this generalised statement when talking about doubles.

is made of … and …, double … is ….

We noticed that not all numbers are made of doubles. Can your child remember why? 

Help at home: Explore making double patterns with different objects at home.

Don’t forget to attend one of the learning journey drop ins next week. You’ll also get to meet Miss Lowry. We look forward to talking about your child’s amazing learning.


Spring 2: Week 4

This week, we’ve been reading the traditional tale Jack and the Beanstalk. We planted our own beans and talked about what a bean needs in order to grow. After planting our beans, we wrote a set of instructions about how to plant a bean.

Yesterday, we introduced the children to life cycles and talked about what a life cycle is.

What is a life cycle?

EB – small to big
BT – Something is a baby then turns into an adult.
RN – Baby chicks grow into a mummy and daddy.
SW – When babies are small they keep growing.
AG – Bugs start off as an egg and they get bigger and bigger.
RZ – They grow and grow and grow!

We watched a video about the life cycle of a bean and talked about the 4 stages.

Help at home: Can your child remember the life cycle of a bean?

This week, we consolidated our understanding of the composition of numbers by investigating the numbers within 7. We investigated the whole number using the part–part–whole model, e.g. 5 is a part. 2 is a part. 7 is the whole.  We used cubes to show that 7 can be made by combining parts in different ways. We also played a game called Missing parts. Mrs Wood hid some cubes (a part) behind her back and we had to think about the missing part. This is something called partitioning (splitting the whole it into parts).

Help at home: Practise partitioning numbers up to 7 into two parts. You could use your toys, fruit or pencils.

This week, we continued to read and write longer words including words ending in -ing.Help at home: Practise writing these words: looking, marching, farming, waiting, morning, winking, singing. Don’t forget to use your phoneme fingers to segment!

What else have we been up to?
This week, our chilli challenges were linked to our focus story.

Poetry Picnic
Click here to watch this week’s poem.

Thank you to all the parents/carers who came to watch our class assembly on Wednesday. We were blown away by how many of you turned up! We hope you enjoyed it.


  • Learning journey drop ins – Tuesday 26th & Thursday 28th March
    9-9.30 & 3.15-3.45
    Please return your sign up slip by Friday 22nd March.

York Railway Museum

Today, Reception went on their first school trip to York Railway Museum. We enjoyed looking at the trains in The Great Hall. We particularly enjoyed sitting on the high-speed Japanese bullet train – the world’s fastest passenger rail network. We also found the replica version of Stephenson’s Rocket.

We look forward to sharing more photos in our class assembly next Wednesday.




Spring 2: Week 2

This week, we’ve been reading The Hundred Decker Rocket by Mike Smith.

This story has a very important message about keeping our planet clean. We watched a video about the 3 Rs – reduce, reuse, recycle. After watching the video, we thought about what we could do to look after our planet.

Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip
after clip.

Put rubbish in bins.
Respect our planet.
Don’t leave rubbish on the beach because it could hurt our animals.
Put garden rubbish in the brown bin.
Reuse our water bottles.
Take old clothes and toys to a charity shop.

For our writing, we used our imaginations to design new decks for a rocket.
Yesterday, we watched a video of first moon landing and looked at some rockets from the past.
Help at home: Watch and talk about the above video again at home.

This week, we used our artistic skills to do an observational drawing of a bunch of tulips.
Help at home: Choose an object to draw at home.

Morning activity
Every morning, Reception have a go at doing a writing activity before phonics. They particularly like it when there’s an interesting picture on the board for them to write about.

Help at home: Write a sentence about the above picture. Don’t forget to check your sentence.

Take a look at some of this week’s space chilli challenges…

Poetry picnic
Pop, pop, pop went the popcorn! We hope you enjoy watching this week’s poem as much as we did learning it.

School trip
We’re very excited about our first school trip to the National Railway Museum next Tuesday!

What will my child need?

  • Rucksack
  • Packed lunch
  • Water bottle
  • Suitable coat



Spring 2: Week 1

Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful half-term break. Thank you to those who have emailed some pictures. If you’ve not sent any, please do send them to Sharing photos from home helps to develop your child’s communication and language skills.

This week, we’ve been reading The Train Ride by June Crebbin. We pretended we were looking out the window on a train. We used our imaginations to think about what we might see.
Yesterday, we learnt about the first locomotive. We used this website to find out lots of information about Robert Stephenson’s Rocket.  We looked at different train pictures from the past and present. After talking about what’s the same and what’s different, we had a go at putting them in order from the oldest to the newest.
Help at home: Look at the website again with your child at home. Talk to your child about Stephenson’s Rocket.

Tricky word password
This week, we’ve introduced our new tricky word password. When the children come in and out of the classroom, they have to read the tricky word on the door. We will change the tricky word daily to help children remember the tricky words.
Help at home: Continue to practise reading and writing the phase 2 and 3 tricky words.
This week, we further developed our comparison skills by looking at different sets. We encouraged the children to focus exclusively on the numerosity of sets, without being diverted by colour, shape or size. We reinforced the language of ‘more than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘an equal number’ when describing how many objects were in each set. ‘Fewer than’ was used rather than ‘less than’, as the focus was on countable things.

Help at home: Which hand has more pom-poms? Which hand has fewer pom-poms? How do you know?

Poetry Picnic
Click here to watch this week’s poem. We had lots of fun mixing, pouring, frying and tossing pancakes.

We’ve got some exciting events coming up in March!

Monday 04 March – Whole school theatre performance
You should have received a message about this. 
Tuesday 05 March – Our first school trip to the National Railway Museum
We are very excited about this!
Thursday 07 March – World Book Day stay and learn session – 9-10am
Come and read a story or two with your child.
Wednesday 13 March – Our class assembly – 2.40pm