Starting sentences in different ways

In writing this week, we’ve been learning about how sentences can start in different ways.

If you kept repeating the same starts, it would get really boring!

Y6 analysed how some example sentences started and put them into groups.

Working as a team, they had to discuss their reasons using their grammar knowledge.

Help at home by analysing how the sentences have been started in this class news post!

Living and Learning: 8Rs

This week, Y6 discussed each of the 8Rs and how they help us to learn.

We also had an honest reflection about our strengths and areas of improvement.

“I think I need to be more resilient at times,” share one person.

“I’m great at being ready at the start of lessons but sometimes I forget towards the end,” explained another.

I really appreciated this mature honesty. It was nice to celebrate the strengths, too.

“I have a great memory so I’m good at remembering things,” beamed a different Y6.

Another shared, “I am nervous about risks but really good with taking safe ones.”

Help at home by having a look at the picture above and spotting which two Rs need to swap places!

We are historians!

Y6 have kicked off their history topic in style!

We’ve learnt about the Stone Age and Bronze Age so far where we have created some fact files of key information.

We presented our findings to our classmates which also really helped us remember the key information.

Help at home by discussing the main differences between the Stone and Bronze Age. What were the key innovations?

Welcome back!

I hope you had a happy and healthy summer. Welcome back and welcome to Y6 – your last ever year of primary school! I know we’re going to make it the best one yet.

Here’s some key information:

  • This year, PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays.
  • Our library slot is a Tuesday so bring in your library book then – but it’s a good idea to have it with you every day.
  • Book Club will take place every Friday so please bring in your Reading Record on this day.

We’ve had an amazing start to the week. I’m loving the energy and enthusiasm that the class are bringing.



Living and Learning – rules

This week’s Living and Learning lesson was all about rules.

We discussed our rules and why they’re so important. We also talked about the rules we have at home and how they’re similar or different.

Help at home by having a chat about which of our school rules is most important and why.

Our learning really linked with our British Values. We made connections between following rules at school and the Rule of Law and Respect & Tolerance for example.

Living and Learning – Safety Week

We kicked off this year’s Safety Week with an entire day devoted to road safety. This is an essential topic to learn about as we transition to high school and are becoming more independent out and about.

We discussed travelling safely and sustainably…

…and even had some time to plan our new school journeys ready for September.

We went out onto the local roads (well, pavements!) in the afternoon to put our new / refreshed skills into practice.



Living and Learning – RSE

This week, Y6 have been learning about RSE – Relationships and Sex Education.

We learnt about the scientific process of conception, what happens during pregnancy and what consent means.

As always, our sessions were framed around families, responsibility and respect.

Here are some quotes from our Y6 children after our learning:

“I knew a lot from chats at home but I found it really useful to go over it. I’ve read books but it was so good to be able to ask questions.”

“I was confused about a lot of this stuff before but now I feel much more confident.”

“Some of this learning was a bit funny but I found it really helpful.”

“No means no.”

Y6 Residential 2024

Y6 had a blast last week on residential!

The Robinwood staff were extremely complimentary of how respectful and kind we were and how we got stuck in and took safe risks!

Well done to everyone for a fantastic trip away.

First up, some pictures of raft building.

RIP water slipper, 2024-2024

Next, are our pictures of some problem solving activities called Dungeon and King’s Quest.


A fan favourite was definitely the Giant Swing!


Caving came out on top in a surprising turn of events!

We sailed to the top of the Trapeze and even managed to jump off and grab the bar.


A very funny Night Line is up next…


We also channelled our inner Robin Hood at Robinwood…

We finished each evening with a Team Challenge which included, “ONE FULL TUBE!” and a hilarious game of Oogly Boogly Bop!

We survived the world-famous Piranha Pool!

Zip Wire was also great fun with different games such as racing and bean bag drop.

Not even the climbing wall could stop us – we raced to the top to squish the rainbow rubber duck!

Mountain and Wood groups, Robinwood, 2024 – over and out.


Y6 met Martin Brown!

Horrible Histories illustrator Martin Brown joined us LIVE! He talked to us about his job and his new book: Paws, Claws and Jaws.

“Anyone can draw!” said Evie. Martin was really keen to emphasise this!

The above point clearly shown by Miss Wilson’s sketches below!

Not only did we do a draw along with him…

…but he had some important messages about animals and our need to care for and respect them.

This linked really well to our Geography learning. Help at home by asking what’s the link with the paragraph above and what we’ve been learning about deforestation?