Q. Where do you come from?
A. I have always lived in Yorkshire apart from a few years when I went to University in Newcastle and then a few years working ‘down South’! Now I am firmly back ‘up North’ where I belong in Yorkshire!
Q. What is your favourite subject?
A. I love Drama and Theatre Studies because I enjoy going to the theatre and love performing.
Q. What is your favourite food?
A. Pasta – all kinds of pasta!
Q. What is your favourite animal?
A. Dogs! We have recently got a dog called Mitsy who I love taking out for walks with my family.
Q. What is your favourite sport?
A. I must admit I’m not really a sports fan although I do love going for walks and bike rides with my family-they certainly help me keep fit & healthy!
Q. Why did you want to become a teacher?
A. I think working with children is a fantastic job, especially watching the magic unfold of children learning and developing new skills everyday.