Where do you come from?
I was born in Leeds and have lived here all my life. If I could live anywhere else, it would be in Cornwall, by the sea.
What is your favourite subject?
My favourite subject is Science. It’s fascinating and fun and I really like finding things out from experiments.
What is your favourite food?
My favourite meal is macaroni cheese. I love pasta and cheese so this meal is my ideal combination.
What is your favourite animal?
I love cats. My family call me ‘The Crazy Cat Lady’. I have two cats called Alfie and Milo. They are a breed known as ragdolls. This makes them very calm and gentle and they go floppy when held upside down. They are my pride and joy.
What is your favourite sport?
I don’t play sport but I really enjoy watching my daughter play football. I also enjoy watching athletics on TV.
Why did you want to become a teaching assistant?
I have always worked with children and have four children of my own. I enjoy helping children learn new skills. The best feeling is when a child becomes more confident in their learning after your help and support.