League Tables

Wednesday 02 December 2009

Our performance in this year’s government league tables is good – learning and progress are above average based on 2009 Key Stage 2 data (ie Year 6 SATs results).

Maths results are especially strong. (See our full results on the DCSF website.)

An area in which we must improve is attendance. Our overall absence rate is 6.2%, which is higher than both the Leeds average (5.9%) and the national average (5.5%). This might not sound a lot but (compared to England as a whole) it’s equivalent to more than one extra day’s absence per child per year. Research shows that increased absence undermines children’s learning and social development.

Term time holidays have a big impact on absence rates in our school. It’s our policy to turn down requests for unnecessary absence during the school term so please check with school before booking your child’s holiday.