Survey of Parents and Carers

Saturday 11 September 2010

Thank you to all the parents and carers who took the time to complete the annual survey in the Summer term.

As with previous years, we wanted to know your views about key aspects of school life: enjoying, achieving, feeling safe, being healthy etc.  We also had a particular focus on how we communicate with you.

Some key findings

100% said that their child enjoys being at Moortown Primary School and feels safe at school.  Over 90% of respondents said that Moortown Primary promotes a healthy lifestyle, that our ethos promotes their child to respect and cooperate with everyone, that behaviour is good and that communication is effective.

Based on your responses, there are just a few areas which we want to keep improving at.

Making a Positive Contribution

Although 82% of parents / carers said we encourage our children to make a positive contribution (and only 2% disgreed), we want this to be better.  This year, we’ll have a second Making a Positive Contribution Themed Week; the last was in 2009 and was a great success.  We’ll continue our lunchtime litter-picking club; this is where Mrs Bald selects from many enthusiastic volunteers to leave the school at lunchtime and tidy our local environment (look out for our Clean Up Kids during Thursday lunchtimes!). At Christmas, we’ll sing Christmas carols to the local community at Marks & Spencer again.  We’ll continue to support our two charities (WWF and NSPCC), as well as other emergency appeals (last year, helping victims of the earthquake in Haiti; this year, helping flood victims in Pakistan). Along with other Leeds schools, we’ve established links with a school in South Africa because we want our children to learn more about other cultures.

These are just a few examples of how we will encourage a positive contribution – we’re always happy to hear more.

After-school clubs

We want to provide a wide-range of clubs.  80% of you said curriculum and clubs meet the needs of children (and only 3% disagreed).  Based on your comments, most of you considered clubs, not the curriculum, when responding to this.  Your suggestions included more physical activities and drama – clubs on offer this term include gymnastics, yoga, taekwon-do, football training, street dance and street dance.  This is a greater range than ever before and all will go ahead if there’s enough interest following the taster sessions. A very small number of you also commented about the lack of clubs for children in Reception.  We offer fewer clubs for these children because by the end of the school day, we (and most parents) find their child is too tired.


Nearly all the comments regarding communications were positive: many of you appreciate the variety of different ways we’ve started to communicate, including this website and Twitter, but also texts and emails, the noticeboards and the newsletters. The only area to improve relates to cancelling clubs at the last minute: obviously this is inconvenient and we always try hard not to do this, although sometimes things out of our control mean we have no alternative.

It’s not always possible for teachers to be around at the start and end of the school day, but please be aware that teachers are happy to speak with you either straight away or by making an appointment – do this directly with the class teacher or through the school office.  We always want to listen to your questions, comments and concerns.

Thanks once again for the responses.  We do take note of areas to get even better, and we do use your responses in Ofsted documents.

If you’d like more information about the Annual Survey and the responses, please contact school.