Health Week Success

Sunday 26 September 2010

Thank you to all parents, carers, staff and especially children for helping to make our Health Week such a great success.  Visitors to school this week have commented on the children’s excellent behaviour and enthusiasm to take part in a wide range of health activities. 

The food fairs were very popular with plenty of healthy foods to taste and maybe make at home!  If you were unable to come along or you didn’t pick up one of the recipe booklets, we have some copies available at the office.

Our school lunches stand, run by Catering Agency, was always busy.  Did you know your child can have a combination of school lunches and packed lunches across the week?  Please ask at the office for more information on this option.

Following a successful trial during Health Week and the positive responses to our recent letter, the tuck shop, run by Year 6, will be continuing every Friday at KS2 playtime.  Fruit and vegetables will be on sale for 20p-30p per item.  We hope you can support the tuck shop.

Thank you for all contributions made for the week.  They have enabled us to provide great healthy learning experiences for our children.