PE Clothes
Please make sure that your child has their PE clothes in school. PE lessons are on Tuesday and Wednesday; if they do not have the correct clothes they miss out on this vital part of the curriculum. The children are getting much quicker at getting changed but please make sure that their clothes have their names in – it makes life much easier before and after PE lessons.
Reading Books
We’re really pleased with the children’s progress in reading and would like to thank you for your support at home. When you hear your child read at home, please write a comment in the book – this shows your child a good partnership between home and school as well as indicating to us who has read at home.
We now have a ‘New Reading Books’ basket in the classroom; if your child has read the book really well at home they can put their book and reading record in the basket. We can then talk to them about the book and change it if we feel they are ready for a new book. Please remember that reading other things apart from the reading book is very valuable. This could include library books, comics and of course a favourite story book from home.
Thank you for your time and support.
Mrs Weekes & Mrs Maver