Class Poetry

Thursday 27 January 2011

As you know, Year Six studying a unit of work where they are imagining they are ‘Snowbound’ in school. As part of the topic, we have been studying different writing genres.

Today the class worked together to share ideas about writing poetry.

We wrote a poem about sleeping in school that compares the noises, thoughts and fears you may have at night in school to those you may have in a jungle.

Here is our poem.

Classroom Jungle

Darkness… all around.


Wailing wind lashes windows,

Tiger-claw branches scratch.

It whispers: let me in.


Blinds are shadow makers,

Moonlight is squeezing through.

Transforming everything.


Children are snakes,

Tables are fallen trees,

Door keys are panther eyes:


Staring….. staring.


Caged animals line the walls,

Clicking and groaning.

Bat-like paper draped from the ceiling…



To pounce?



A drawer falls, eyes open, hearts pound, screams of fear,

Night is disturbed.

The classroom jungle has awoken.



By Year Six