28 January 2011

Friday 28 January 2011

The spellings this week are the same homophones as last week. Children need to keep practising them. They might be tested on any of the words. When practising at home with your child, try to put each word into a sentence so that the meaning of each word and it’s spelling becomes securely embedded.

(For an extra challenge, try creating a sentence with both homophones eg I knew the new toy was a good choice.)

Don’t forget – school is closed on Friday so the test will be a day earlier!

1. new             knew

2. right           write

3. through    threw

4. great         grate

5. their           there

6. hole           whole

7. no               know

8. pair            pear

9. heard        herd

10. poor         pour

11. bored        board

12. peace       piece

13. aloud       allowed

Spellings will be tested on Friday 4 February. Good luck!