The homework this week is practice makes perfect and is due in on Wednesday 30 March.
I can write a report about someone or something.
We’ve been reading and writing reports in our literacy unit. This homework is an opportunity to show off your report writing skills!
You could write a report about:
- A famous person. This could be a sportsman or woman, a favourite musician, or role model.
- An inspiring person who you know.
- A place you have been, for example, a museum, theme park or our school.
- It could be about your favourite sports team.
- It could be about an animal.
- Or, you could completely make up a new animal, person, place, vehicle!
Remember to use full-stops and capital letters. Use lots of good adjectives and adverbs. You could also include facts, a quote from an expert, a simile and a rhetorical question.
I’ll look forward to reading your reports next Wednesday.