How are we doing?

Friday 01 April 2011

The local authority has regularly monitored the performance of schools.  This system of monitoring, challenge and support may change due to local authority and government re-organisation (and cutbacks?), but here are some comments from the most recent report about Moortown Primary:

“Rigorous monitoring of teaching ensures close scrutiny of learning.”

“There is clear evidence that the school is systematically tracking the progress and attainment of a variety of pupil groups.”

“Staff track progress and attainment of specific groups.  The electronic tracking system across school has simplified analysis and collection of data and allows for quick interpretation of data and identification of individuals who may require additional support.  The Headteacher closely monitors and supports less experienced teachers to ensure assessment remains consistent.”

“Three paired lesson observations were carried out during the visit.  The Headteacher and Local Authority representative were in complete agreement regarding overall judgements and the quality of aspects within lessons.  In all lessons behaviour and discipline was excellent.” 

“Relationships between newly qualified teachers and pupils are very good with the right balance of inter-action and respect.  Technology was used well in all lessons and is clearly an intrinsic part of the teachers’ tools for delivery.  It was also clear that in all lessons pupils were enjoying learning.”

“The Headteacher has a clear understanding of the strengths and areas for development for each teacher and has worked extensively with each to ensure consistent practices are used and areas for development are improved – the quality of all the lessons is testament to this approach.”

“The systems in place for supporting and developing newly qualified teachers are excellent.  Teachers are provided with systematic, comprehensive written feedback which is supportive and useful.  The Headteacher regularly checks that expectations are met and that quality of provision is as high as possible.  New staff are clearly responding to this.”

“Newly Qualified Teachers have already met Ofsted standards and in some aspects are exceeding basic expectations.  All three show strong potential.”

It’s more evidence of the excellent provision we have at Moortown Primary, a happy and healthy place to learn.