Attendance matters

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Attendance data has been released by the government.  Statistics show a small rise in the number of pupils skipping school without permission, but a drop in overall absence rates.  This trend is similar at Moortown.  We’re working closely with parents to make sure their children will not be deemed ‘persistent absentees’ – missing frequent days really does affect learning – but we also know that the children in question have ongoing medical issues.  In contrast, like the national data, we’re pleased to see absence rates continue to fall, although we need to keep getting better at this, especially when we compare our attendance figures with other local schools.

Nationally, there has been a small increase in the numbers of children missing school for family holidays.  The government wants to reduce this figure.  Again, it’s the same for our governing body: whilst we have seen a fall in the number of families who take a term-time holiday, we need to reduce this further.  This term, the governors have agreed a new criteria before we consider whether we authorise a term-time absence: we will not authorise a holiday if a holiday has been taken the previous year.

Attendance matters.  Help us to make 2011-12 our best year ever for attendance.