Join in!

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Join in the 7th Roundhay Primary Schools Family Run for Fun at Roundhay Park, 10am on Saturday 16 June 2012.

At the event, there’ll be a choice of 1km and 5km runs.

Application forms are available at the office and have been sent out by Parentmail. Take your completed application forms with you to the event and pay on on the day. You can also pick an application form up on the day.


All profits from the race will be divided equally between the schools that have helped to organise this event. Any sponsorship monies collected go straight back to your school’s PTA/PSA.

All children running who are aged 14 and under must be accompanied by a responsible, participating adult.

And more…

Can you help out?

We also always need lots of helpers on the day to marshal the course and make sure everyone knows where they are going. Can you help? If you, or someone you know, is able to help, please fill in your contact details on the application form. A volunteer could be an older brother or sister (over 18), a grandmother or grandfather, a neighbour or a mum or dad who isn’t running. Volunteering is easy and you can still support the competitors.