Fab feedback!

Thursday 07 December 2017

In a time when many local authorities have stripped away the support they previously provided to school, Leeds continues to provide support to its schools. Our School Improvement Advisor visited recently and had lots of positives to tell us about:

The qualities of teaching… endorse the strong end of year outcomes, which have become typical of Moortown. Informal observations across the school verified the good subject knowledge and understanding of the national age related expectations for each member of the teaching team. For example, in Year 1, the temporary teacher led a writing session whereby pupils of all abilities were able to reap success.

Maths teaching observed… provided evidence of the school’s focus on lesson starters designed to develop arithmetical understanding. In each lesson, good subject knowledge was apparent.

It is very clear that pupils understand why they should behave well, rather than doing it because they are told to. Behaviour in each of the lessons seen was impeccable.

The early years classroom provides a well organised, welcoming and productive environment in which children can learn. Very well modelled behaviour and expectations from adults result in children quickly working well together, developing positive behaviour and an eagerness to try new things.

The Topic Book scrutiny evidenced a rich curriculum whereby children are afforded frequent opportunity to apply their reading, writing and mathematical skills beyond the core curriculum. The children’s books evidence an equality of demand for all abilities. Books also evidence a wealth of lessons that provide for ‘active learning’ opportunities…