Be mindful

Saturday 16 December 2017

At this busy time of year, mindfulness can help children to take control of their emotions.

During our recent themed week, all children took part in mindfulness workshops to learn a variety of techniques to use at school and at home.  Here’s a reminder of a few of them that might be useful for over the holidays.  A mindfulness newsletter/parent guide will be sent out in the new year.

Breathing hug

Start with both arms in the air.  Put one hand across your tummy and the other on your shoulder.  Breath slowly in and out.

Breathing tree

In a standing position, raise your arms as you  breath in and release your arms back down as you breath out.

‘Ok’ breathing

Make an ‘o’ sign on your tummy button to represent that it is ok to feel different emotions.  Slowly breath in and out.

Mindfulness bottle

This is a bit like a snow globe.  Shake it up and watch it.  Simply watch the disturbance as it begins to settle – as does our mind.

Take a bottle, add glitter and food colouring and seal tightly.