18 June 2018

Friday 15 June 2018

This week’s spelling homework is a little creative and is due on Thursday 24 June.

Using these Greek and Latin roots and their meanings, create your own animals where their name gives you an idea of their appearance and/or behaviour.

Eg punctata quadrocornisbiped (dotted four-horned two footed animal). Create at least five different names and then choose one to draw and write a paragraph informing us about it.


geo – means “the earth” photo – “means light”
path – means “feeling or


gress – means “to walk”
phon – means “sound” dict – which means “to say”
therm – means “heat” tract – means “to pull”
mem – means “keep in mind” scribe – means “to write”
tele – means “far away” mit – means “to send”
fract – means “to break” graph – means “to write”
bi – means “two” ped – means “foot”
corni – means “horn” punct – means “point, pricked, pierced”