Week 14: 17 July 2020: Home learning

Thursday 16 July 2020

Well, it’s the last day of the summer term. Sadly, the school year has ended in a very unexpected way. All the staff in Year 2 are incredibly proud of each and everyone of you.  well-done-23443783 - Tappy Twins

Today, I have given you some tasks about continuing to stay safe online. We have been using technology an awful lot over the last few months and it is very important to stay safe online just as you do in the real world.

Task 1

Staying safe online

Watch Episode 3 – Playing games


Talk about how to stay safe when playing games online.

Task 2

Choose an activity to complete.



Task 3

It is important to understand that sometimes things don’t appear quite ‘right’ online and can be dangerous or distressing.

When should you ask an adult for help or advice?

Who are personal ‘safe’ adults who children can trust about online worries?

Can you sort these scenarios into two groups?

  1. Does it feel right?
  2. Does it feel wrong?


Have a great summer and STAY SAFE!