Week commencing 11 January 2021:Home learning

Sunday 10 January 2021

Hi, everyone!

I hope you are enjoying this snowy weather and keeping warm!

Here is your learning for this week.







Book of the week- Watch the story Lost and Found or read the book if you have it at home.


Questions to discuss-

How is the boy feeling when the penguin first arrives at his door?

Why does the penguin follow the boy? What does he want?

The penguin was lonely… What does it mean to be lonely? How can we help others when they are feeling lonely? What can we do when we feel lonely ourselves?

Phonics- j

Click here to watch today’s phonics video

Activity 1: Be a ‘j’ detective! Can you find anything (or anyone) in your house, that has the initial sound ‘j’?

Activity 2: Take turns with an adult to play ‘Roll and Read’ (j focus) click here to either print the word mat, or view it on screen. You will need a die or to draw 1-6 dots on 6 pieces of paper and draw at random from a bag.

1.       Roll the dice

Match to the correct row.

Choose a word on the row and read it aloud.

Maths- White Rose Maths: Alive in 5!- Week 2.

Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1

Activity: Click here for today’s activity. Encourage your child to speak in full sentences when describing the number composition, for example: “There are three frogs in the pond and there are two frogs on the grass. There are 5 frogs altogether” or “There are 4 toys on the bed and there is one toy on the floor. There are 5 toys altogether”

Tuesday Phonics- v

Click here to watch today’s phonics video

Activity 1:  Be a ‘v’ detective! Can you find anything (or anyone) in your house, that has the initial sound ‘v’?

Activity 2: Here is the link to ‘fishy phonics’ on the Phonics Bloom website- click here

Select phase 2, set 5. Try the hard level initially, change to easy if this is a bit tricky.

Maths- Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2

Activity: Click here for today’s activity.

Wednesday Phonics- w

Click here to watch today’s phonics video

Activity 1: Be a ‘w’ detective! Can you find anything (or anyone) in your house, that has the initial sound ‘w’?

Activity 2: Write ‘yes’ and ‘no on two separate pieces of paper and put them at either side of the room. Ask your child to read these questions (click here) one at a time and then run to either the yes or the no answer. Encourage your child to point to each word on the screen as they read the question.

Maths-  Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 3

Activity: Click here for today’s activity. If you do not have a printer, draw 5 of anything you like on a piece of paper and cut them out. This will work just as well for the activity!

Click here for this week’s word list. Remember to use your phonic fingers to blend.

Thursday Phonics- Tricky words he/she

Click here to watch today’s phonics video

Activity 1: Be a Tricky Word Detective! Can you find any tricky words in the books you have at home?

Activity 2: Write a sentence using one of the new tricky words. Steps to writing a successful sentence…

1.Think of a sentence.

2. Say the sentence out loud.

3. Count the words in your sentence.

4. Use your phoneme fingers to segment every word.

5. Check your sentence makes sense.

6. Have you remembered a capital letter at the start, finger spaces throughout and a full stop at the end?

Activity 3: Rainbow writing tricky words- use a variety of colours to practice writing all of the phase 2 tricky words.

Maths- Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 4

Activity: Click here for today’s activity.

Friday Understanding the World with Professor Myers; Exploring Ice-

Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers.

-Can you carry out the ice experiments in the video from Professor Myers? Remember to make some predictions about what you think will happen first.

-Can you draw and label a picture to show what you did?

Story time- Stickman with Mrs Burgess

Can you find the rhyming words in the story?

What is Stickman made from? Go on a scavenger hunt outside. Bring back sticks, leaves, seeds or whatever you can find and make a stickperson.

Stickman lives with his family. Draw a picture of your family.

Story Link activities to select throughout the week


Make a story map of the key events in the story Lost and Found. We practice creating these lots in class.


Sometimes, when people lose a pet, they put up posters to help find them again. Can you make a ‘lost’ poster for the Penguin in Lost and Found. Don’t forget to add lots of details describing the penguin, so that the reader knows what to look out for. What does the penguin look like? What colour is it? How big is it?

The story doesn’t have any speech in it. Ask your grown up to draw out a speech bubble and pretend you are the boy from the story (perhaps you could draw him next to the speech bubble) Have a go at writing what you think he might have said when he first met the penguin.

A writing reminder

How did your child find the writing activity? Remember it’s okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important that your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling them correctly. We encourage the children to use their own skills, rather than copying an adult.

Understanding the World

Spend some time watching the penguins at Edinburgh Zoo:


What do you notice about them?

How do they move? (perhaps you can walk like a penguin too!)

Do they like to be alone or in groups?

Do they live on land, in the water, or both?

These penguins are in a zoo. Where can we find penguins in the wild? Ask an adult to help you find this information in a book or by using the internet.

Expressive Arts and Design

Build a boat for your toys! You could use any construction toys you have at home (such as lego, duplo) natural or found objects outside, or recycled food packaging. Perhaps you could tell a story about an adventure your toys go on in their brand new boat!

Make a ‘Paper Roll Penguin’ You could follow this guide or, if you do not have coloured paper, create your own version using plain paper, the paper roll and colouring pens or pencils!

Physical Development

Get Moving! Join in with this Jack Hartman Penguin Dance: video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf0uKmKwnKs

Did you know… ‘PE with Joe’ is back? Joe Wicks is hosting his live PE sessions again from Monday 11th January 2021, 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9am) You can subscribe to his channel here for alerts. A great way to keep fit at home!


Have fun this week and don’t forget to send me photos of your learning.
