What have we been up to this week?

Friday 11 November 2022

This week, we’ve been reading Night Monkey, Day Monkey by Julia Donaldson. This led us onto talking about nocturnal and diurnal animals. Ask your child if they can remember what they mean and if they can give you an example of a nocturnal and diurnal animal. 
For our writing activity, we drew a picture of the monkeys and things they saw when they were awake. Some children came up with our own ideas!
This week, we learnt four more graphemes: v, w, x, y. The children are really enjoying their daily phonics sessions and are becoming super readers! This week, we’ve noticed lots of children using their phonics skills when labelling their Day Monkey and Night Monkey pictures.

Writing process
In phonics, we’ve started to write captions, e.g. a red sock.
To help us with the process, we follow six simple steps.
1. Think about what we want to write.

2. Say it out loud.
3. Count the words.

4. Segment each word on our phoneme fingers.

5. Write each word.

6. Check our writing makes sense.

This week, we’ve been comparing the number of objects in two sets by matching them 1:1. When comparing, we noticed that some sets had more than, fewer than and an equal number. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Three Bears needed our help to make sure they had packed an equal number of things for their picnic.

They have one plate each.
They have an equal number for forks.
It’s not equal because Daddy Bear has two bananas, Baby Bear has one and Mummy Bear has none.
We need to take one banana from Daddy Bear and give it to Mummy bear.
They all have one sun hat.

We continued our comparison learning in the maths area. We explored comparing two Numicon pieces and tried to make the scales equal.

Here are some more highlights from this week…

Click here to watch this week’s poem.


Home-Link Challenge