29 November 2024

Friday 29 November 2024

Our whole-school homework this week is:

Reading: please make sure your child is reading on a daily basis.

Number Fact Fluency: Use Numbots or Times Table Rock Stars in regular short bursts.

Talk Time

This week’s Talk Time relates to this half term’s Art topic.

I can compare and contrast different artworks/architecture/designs.  

I can give my opinions, and back them up with reasons.

 In our Art lessons, we’re thinking about the work of these artists (Y1,2) / architects (Y3,4) or designers (Y5,6) and we’re using the following vocabulary:

Y1,2 Artists:

George Seurat

Bridget Riley

Vocabulary: pointillism, op art

Y3,4 Architects:

St Paul’s Cathedral, Sir Christopher Wren

London Aquatic Centre, Zara Hadid

Vocabulary: architect, architecture

Y5,6 Designers:

William Morris

Orla Kiely

Vocabulary: pattern, repetition, symmetry, foreground, background

The key to this task is being able to explain thoughts and opinions. It’s worth remembering that the opinions of one person may not match those of another and that it’s okay to disagree.

We’d like your child to speak confidently and passionately about art. Using ‘because’ will encourage your child to think carefully about their own interpretation of the art. Offering your own opinions may also help your child to consider alternative viewpoints and perspectives.

Discussions about the art could take place in a number of ways. Here’s a couple of suggestions:

Whichever approach you opt for, referring to these questions and the vocabulary above will help to focus your discussions at home:

Considering what is most important to you, which piece do you prefer?