
Week 14: 13.07.20: home learning

Posted on Sunday 12 July 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Wow – week 14! You have reached the final week of home learning and a huge well done to all children and their families for trying so hard at home to keep learning. You have been amazing!

You can see what your class mates have been up to on our latest class news post. Please do keep in touch (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org).

If you responded about the Zoom call, this will take place tomorrow and you should have now received the invitation details. If you responded but haven’t heard from us or you would like your child to join, please contact us today if possible. Thank you.

Lesson 1 Year 2 class quiz

Thank you to all the children who have sent through a fact about themselves. Here is the chance to test out your knowledge (or best guesses!) with our Year 2 fact quiz. Read the facts and try to match them to the correct class mate or adult. Click here for the quiz and click here for the answers.

Lesson 2 virtual school trip

Sadly, we have all missed out on school trips this year. Despite this, it is still possible to virtually visit different places all over the world without leaving your home. So, today you are going on a virtual school trip!

1.Choose from one of the following places to visit.

Natural History Museum

International Space Station

Houses of Parliament

Great Wall of China

Hull Streetlife Museum of Transport

Barcelona FC Camp Nou stadium tour

Taj Mahal

Melbourne Zoo, Australia

2.Explore your chosen place as if you were visiting on a school trip.

3.Complete this sheet to tell us all about your trip.

Lesson 3 maths

Start your maths learning with this Super Movers video.

As we had our virtual sports day last week, here is a maths sports day challenge which covers a range of the maths learning from Year 2. Click here for the learning.

Week 13: 10 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 09 July 2020 by Mr Wain

Happy Friday, Y6!

Maths – LO: solving problems
Just like yesterday, click here to join me for today’s task.

Reading – LO: RIC or conveying character

Your task today is either a RIC from FirstNews, or you can choose to convey character from the short film ‘Catch it’ that we watched yesterday.

Click here for your RIC.

If you decide to convey character, you need to use the speech that you created for the different scenes yesterday and act them out! Feel free to change your speech slightly if you wish and remember we are conveying character – this means lots of expression in your voice, obvious body language between the characters and most of all, enjoy yourself!

You could choose members of your household to act out the scenes with you or you could do it yourself!

I’d love to see your attempts so please send them over if you get the chance.

Drama – LO: theatre genres
Click here to start today’s task all about different performance styles in plays.
Once you’ve read the website and watched the videos, complete the following sentence stems in your home learning book.
1. Genre means…
2. My favourite type of theatre was… because…
3. My least favourite was… because…
4. Three things I have learnt today are…
Next, complete activities one and two.
An example for activity one could be to change the genre of Little Red Riding Hood to be a comedy. Some of the lines might change in order to make the audience “howl” with laughter eg more terrible wolf puns. The costumes might change to be funnier, like a wolf with an exaggeratedly large head and bug eyes.
Have a look at the example below for activity two.
As always, email me with your efforts!

Week 13: 10 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 09 July 2020 by Mr Wain

So we’ve reached the end of our penultimate week of the school year. It looks a lot different than we may have envisaged at the start of the year but your effort and attitude towards your learning remains just as impressive – well done everyone!

Today’s tasks…

Maths – LO: reflection

Click here for your video. Once you’ve watched, click here for task one and then have a go at task two, here.

Reading – LO: RIC or conveying character

Your task today is either a RIC from FirstNews, or you can choose to convey character from the short film ‘Catch it’ that we watched yesterday.

Click here for your RIC.

If you decide to convey character, you need to use the speech that you created for the different scenes yesterday and act them out! Feel free to change your speech slightly if you wish and remember we are conveying character – this means lots of expression in your voice, obvious body language between the characters and most of all, enjoy yourself!

You could choose members of your household to act out the scenes with you or you could do it yourself!

I’d love to see your attempts so please send them over if you get the chance.

Drama – LO: theatre genres
Click here to start today’s task all about different performance styles in plays.
Once you’ve read the website and watched the videos, complete the following sentence stems in your home learning book.
1. Genre means…
2. My favourite type of theatre was… because…
3. My least favourite was… because…
4. Three things I have learnt today are…
Next, complete activities one and two.
An example for activity one could be to change the genre of Little Red Riding Hood to be a comedy. Some of the lines might change in order to make the audience “howl” with laughter eg more terrible wolf puns. The costumes might change to be funnier, like a wolf with an exaggeratedly large head and bug eyes.
Have a look at the example below for activity two.
As always, email me with your efforts!

Week 13: 10 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 09 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Happy Friday Year !

I hope you’ve enjoyed learning about money this week! The children in school have loved it.

Thanks to those who have sent me learning this week. Have a look over the weekend to see it on the Class News page.

Today’s task…


Today is usually challenge day but we’re going to finish off the week with a final money lesson.

Click on this link to find out your task.


It’s our Love of Reading session today. I’d like you to sit down with a good book and enjoy reading together. You might share a book or your child may want to read independently. Talk about what you’re reading and ask some questions.

Friday’s final lesson is all about feeling good. Click on this link and find out how and why music makes us feel good.


Week 13: 10 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Thursday 09 July 2020 by Mrs Freeman

Only one more week to go!

You all deserve a HUGE I Can Make Your Hands Clap (Minions Handclap Despicable Me 3 ... for all of your efforts.

We are VERY proud of every single child in our class. Medal Clipart Proud Teacher , Png Download - Circle, Transparent ...

Here are today’s tasks.

Task 1

Art – L.S. Lowry

LO: I can draw matchstick figures.

Drawing Matchstick Figures
You are going to draw a range of stick figures using a pencil.
Imagine what your matchstick figures are doing and use their poses to show action/movement.
Here are some tips to help you.


Doc 1

Doc 2

Remember to send us your drawings, please.

Task 2


Free Love Reading Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

Guess what?

It’s our Friday Love of Reading session. You all know what to do. I’d love to know what you are enjoying reading.

Task 3

Have fun with this singing lesson.


Enjoy your weekend and let’s hope the Sun Clip Art at Clker.com - vector clip art online, royalty free ... shines!


Week 13: 09 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 08 July 2020 by Mr Wain

Hello everybody! You’ve all been doing a fabulous job with your home learning – I couldn’t be prouder.

Today’s tasks…

Maths – LO: plotting coordinates

Click here for your video. Answer these questions after!

Reading – LO: creating dialogue

Your task today is to watch this video.

Once you’ve watched the video, I’d like you to click here to access the task for today.

Your job is to create some dialogue for the different scenes within the short film. You need to use your retrieval and inference skills to help you come up with some appropriate dialogue.

I’ve written an example piece of dialogue and explained how I used my retrieval and inference skills to help me do so.

If you have any questions, email me: oliwain@spherefederation.org

Good luck!

Spanish – LO: saying your birthday
Back again today due to very popular demand, our Spanish lessons return!
Today, we’re going to expand our number knowledge to learn the numbers up to 31 and the months of the year in Spanish, so that we can say the date of our birthday in Spanish!
For this lesson you will need some paper and a pen or pencil – click here to get going!

Week 13: 09 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 08 July 2020 by Mr Wain

Happy Thursday, Y6!

Time is absolutely flying! It must be all this fun we’re having in school (and out!).
I know a couple of you have had technical difficulties with sending your video memory so I’ll extend the deadline until the end of the week. That means to keep your eyes peeled for a surprise next week instead!
Maths – LO: solving problems
Click here to join me for today’s problems.
Remember to read the question carefully, understand what it’s actually asking you, choose the right operation to use, solve the problem step by step, and check your answer makes sense.
Write your own versions of the problems. You could change what happens or change the numbers involved. Create your own mark scheme.

Reading – LO: creating dialogue

Your task today is to watch this video.

Once you’ve watched the video, I’d like you to click here to access the task for today.

Your job is to create some dialogue for the different scenes within the short film. You need to use your retrieval and inference skills to help you come up with some appropriate dialogue.

I’ve written an example piece of dialogue and explained how I used my retrieval and inference skills to help me do so.

If you have any questions, email me: oliwain@spherefederation.org

Good luck!

Spanish – LO: saying your birthday
Back again today due to very popular demand, our Spanish lessons return!
Today, we’re going to expand our number knowledge to learn the numbers up to 31 and the months of the year in Spanish, so that we can say the date of our birthday in Spanish!
For this lesson you will need some paper and a pen or pencil – click here to get going!

Week 13: 09 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 08 July 2020 by Mrs Freeman


Your first task today is maths. Here are some revision sheets I’d like you to have a go at.


be the teacher

how many

Task 2


L. S. Lowry

Can you remember some facts about this talented artist?

LS Lowry: Lost painting to go on sale after 70 years - BBC News

LO: I can compare two paintings by the same artist.

Today, you are going to imagine that you have stepped into two of Lowry’s paintings. Record your thoughts and feelings either the activity sheet below or draw your own version. You can use words and pictures.

2 pictures

recording sheet

Task 3


Have a go at this activity to help you to improve your reading skills. There are 8 questions to answer.


Have a good day!






Week 13: 09 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 08 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello Year 1.

Happy Thursday! Just over a week to go and then you all get a well deserved break! Keep it going for a little while longer 🙂

Here are today’s tasks:


Click on this link and have a go at making un- words and using them in sentences.


Maths lesson           Maths Task


Phonics – ure


Week 13: 08 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 07 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi Year 1!

Did anyone take part in the virtual sports day yesterday? If so, send me some of your photos and  I will post them on the Class News page.

Onto today’s tasks!


It’s Wednesday which means it is practice day! This week, I want you to continue to practice counting coins. This will consolidate the learning you have been doing this week.

Money sheet


Shark comprehension

Read pages 1-2 and answer the questions on page 3.


Carnivores, herbivores and omnivores