Have a happy and healthy holiday
It’s the summer holidays at last, so there are no homework or spelling activities. Enjoy the holidays instead!
Does your child spend less time outdoors than prison inmates? A survey suggests three-quarters of children do, as the time spent playing in parks, woods and fields has shrunk dramatically due to lack of green spaces, digital technology and parents’ fears.
Research shows that playing outdoors promotes social skills, improves vision, reduces stress, increases attention span and provides vitamin D.
01 July 2016
As you know, we have had to close school on Friday 01 July – Shadwell Lane had its water turned off. For that reason, and because two classes are out of school today, there hasn’t been chance to set homework or spellings for this week.
Even though there is no set homework or spellings, please remember there are lots of things that the children can be doing to reflect on their learning from this week.
Again, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused by the school closure.
Summer Half Term
In line with our Homework Policy, there are no homework tasks or spellings to learn next week because it’s the Summer half-term holiday. Of course, there are plenty of ways to help your child continue learning: get reading, go places, talk lots!
Have a happy and healthy holiday.
It’s the Easter holidays…
…so we have no set homework or spellings, in line with our Homework Policy.
That doesn’t mean we expect your child not to be developing their skills in reading, writing and maths!
Your child should be reading daily – this could be fiction, factual books, a comic or newspaper, and could include being read to at bedtime, too.
It would be good to practise basic skills in writing by writing a letter or email to a relative, perhaps recounting a day-trip or reviewing a film your child watched.
We’re finding quite a few children are ‘squashing their sentences’ such as I went to Leeds City Museum it was really interesting which is wrong. It would be much better with punctuation to separate or a word to join:
- I went to Leeds City Museum. It was really interesting. (A comma isn’t strong enough to separate two sentences.)
- I went to Leeds City Museum – it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum; it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum and it was really interesting.
- I went to Leeds City Museum which was really interesting.
Finally, to improve calculation skills, please keep practising mental number facts which your child must know:
- number bonds (two numbers which add up to 10, 20 and 100 eg 3+7, 13+7, 30+70) – these facts should be known by children in Y1 – Y2
- times tables (up to 12×12) and the division facts with your child – children in Y2 should have rapid recall of x2, x 5 and x 10 at least
We know we mention these ‘basics’ a lot, but that’s because they involve practice, practice and more practice – we practise a lot at school, but your child will need to practise at home, too, if they are to truly succeed.
Learn more about current expectations for reading, writing and maths. However, do be aware that a new National Curriculum comes into effect from September, meaning these expectations have been raised and so many aspects of learning now feature in younger age groups.
It’s half-term…
…so no specific homework, spellings or tables this week. It’s a good time to relax and enjoy some time with your children – have you visited the free exhibition of Anthony Browne pictures at Leeds City Museum, for example?
It’s Christmas…
…so enjoy the break.
We don’t give homework or spellings and tables to learn during holidays. Instead, we hope you all enjoy the break and spend some fabulously festive family time, whether it’s playing board games, enjoying a book or two or simply relaxing in front of the telly for a treat.
30 March 2012
It’s the Easter holidays and, in line with our Homework Policy, teachers do not set spellings or homework tasks. Instead, enjoy the sunny weather by getting active: a trip to the park, a game of football, a cycle ride or a long walk!
During the holidays, two of our teachers will visit Italy, one will be in Russia and one will be in…Barry Island!
This week’s ‘Tricky Words’
The ‘Tricky Word’ spellings for this week are:
- all
- are
- the
- to
This week’s ‘Tricky Words’
The ‘Tricky Word spellings for this week are:
- was
- my
- you
- her
- they
This week’s ‘Tricky Words’
This week’s tricky words to learn to spell are:
- he
- me
- we
- be
- she