Welcome to Year 3!

Monday 19 September 2011

Hello and welcome to the Year 3 Class News!

It’s been an excellent start to the year and I’ve been really impressed by the children’s fantastic attitude to their learning. In the Class News this year you’ll find all sorts of information about what we’ve been doing in school.

Below are some information about routines in Year 3.


PE is on Mondays and Fridays. Please make sure that children have suitable outdoor and indoor PE kits.


Reading this year is a little different to Year 2. The children will read with me once a week in small groups. At the end of this session, the children will be given a target page to get to by the next time they read with me. As the group are all reading the same book it’s really important that they don’t read past the target page! If the children have reached their target page they can read a different book from home or I can arrange for them to take home an additional book from school.  During the week other adults will usually read with the children too. However, it’s really important that the children read at home with an adult as well.


The routine for homework is the same as in Year 2. It will be given out most Fridays and is expected in the following Wednesday. Children are expected to spend between 30 minutes – 1 hour on their homework. It should only cover one page of their homework book.

Tables and spellings

Tables and spellings are given out on Fridays and will be tested the following Friday. The yellow Learning Lists book has the spellings and tables listed in them. Children can practise for the tests in these books at home. They should be brought back into school each day so the children can practise in school and so that the new lists can be put in on Fridays.

Thanks very much for taking the time to read through the first post of the year. They won’t usually be as long as this one! If you have any questions at all or just want to say hello, please come and find me. If you can’t see me on the playground I’ll probably be in the classroom – just ask at the office for someone to show you where I am!