02 April 2020: Home learning

Thursday 02 April 2020


Practise your spellings today by using the ‘rhymes and rememberings’ method.

happiness / loneliness / thoughtfully / painless / colourful / humming / wrapping / dripped / clapped / funniest / hottest / hopeful / wishful


Today, you’re going to be reading and performing poety. Make sure to read the poem out loud at least five times so you’re familiar with it and reading it fluently. Ask an adult if you don’t understand anything in the poem.

Then watch this video which explains how to perform poetry like a professional.

The poem to read and perform is ‘The Dentist and the Crocodile’ by Roald Dahl.

Maths answers


I’ve prepared addition and subtraction problems. You’ll need to click the link below to see them. Before jumping in to answer a question, they need to read the question carefully a couple of times and then decide whether they need to add or subtract. They should then perform the calculation. Check the answer to the calculation and then make sure they answer the question.

The first three questions are similar to problems we’ve already encountered this week.

The following four have data presented in  a table or a chart. The numbers for these are smaller but the challenge comes from interpreting the data correctly.

The final three questions are two-step word problems where children need to do two things before getting to the answer.


(The answers to the questions are in the ‘Mark Scheme’ tab at the top.)

Good luck!


So what was on the other side of the fence? A monster?  An enormous, unexplained hole? Mr Wilks bouncing on the trampoline?

In this lesson, I’d like you to think about what the boy was feeling at different parts of your story (feel free to reimagine it if you have new ideas).

For example: nervous, curious, excited, scared, shocked, etc.

I’d then like you to write six sentences beginning with a feeling. For example:

Curious, the boy peeked through the hole in the fence. 

Intrigued by the noise, the boy moved tentatively towards the garden.