World Book Day

Today is World Book Day! World Book Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Today has been filled with lots of opportunities to read and talk about books.

We started the day with a whole school World Book day assembly. We thought about what books we like to read and where we like to read. Help at home by talking about the best environment to read in. Where is a good place to read? Is it better to read on your own or with someone? What time is a good time to read? 

We had a busy morning. It was jam-packed with loads of reading and enjoying books. Miss Newman visited Year 2 and read some of her favourite picture books. Next, we did some paired reading with Year 5. The children were absolutely fantastic. The Year 2 and Year 5 children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their books from home and reading to each other.

Finally, we took part in a live lesson on BBC and their BIG LIVE READ. We heard loads of great recommendations from other children and schools.


What a fantastic day! Keep enjoying lots of books at home daily.

Skipping school

Yesterday, Year 2 welcomed Katie from skipping school to Moortown to show us lots of new skills.

The children were fantastic. Every child was resilient and determined. They gave the skipping 100% effort and some made amazing progress in one afternoon.

We are practising in school regularly ready for our competition in June.


Help at home by practising at home. You can purchase skipping ropes from school.

Writing: Flooded

Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed reading a beautifully illustrated book called ‘Flooded‘ by Mariajo Ilustrajo. We surmised that the book had two key themes: the flood and teamwork. We used our reading skills to summarise, sequence and infer from the story. This week, we have started using our writing skills to retell and orally compose the story along with story mapping to aid us with our own story writing.

Help at home by retelling the story and talking about the main themes in the story. If you could change where the story was set, where would you choose?

Topic: Our locality – Fieldwork

Over the past few weeks we have been studying out locality – Moortown. On Friday, we went to visit our local area. We plotted our route on a map and visited five different locations around school. During our fieldwork, we assessed each location against different criteria.

The children stayed safe by listening to all the instructions, walking sensibly with their partner and wearing high-vis vests to be visible.

Help at home by discussing our local area. Are there any areas for improvement in Moortown?

Exploring habitats at Lotherton Hall!

Today, Year two had a fantastic trip to Lotherton Hall to learn about animals and their habitats. Guided by the educational specialists, we explored different habitats and the animals that call them home.

We compared the skulls of a herbivore and a carnivore, noticing how their teeth are perfectly suited to their diets. The children were fascinated to learn that penguins have sharp tongues to help them grip slippery fish!


Help at Home by:

  • Explore your garden or local park and talk about the animals and their habitats.
  • Read books about animals and how they survive in the wild.
  • Watch nature documentaries together