Autumn 2: Week5
During this week, we have been practising our Christmas songs for the nativity. You may have even heard the children singing them at home. They are enjoying learning the songs and creating actions for them.
Our poem of the week this week is Wise Old Owl. Please encourage your child to share this with you and discuss the key vocabulary.
We are encouraging the children to begin sentence writing during our writing sessions and in the areas. We ask them to think of a sentence, count it, try and write it and then check it. We are not expecting these to be accurate but we are trying to develop a love of writing and modelling the thought process.
We have been working on numeral recognition this week. The children have been finding numbers and then selecting the correct amount of objects to match the number. Alongside this, we’re supporting the children with their accuracy with counting and recognising that the number they finish on is the amount they have – the stopping number.
Help at home: by pointing out numbers in the environment
We have been having lots of fun both inside and outside this week. The children have been working as a team to erect different buildings.
Reminder: learning drop in
An opportunity to “drop into” school and share your child’s learning journal with them.
Learning Journey Drop in 1 – 03.12.24 and 05.12.24 Times – 8.45 am-9.15am and 3.15pm-3.45pm
Autumn 2: Week5
Our book of the week this week is How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers. The children have enjoyed writing about the different ways they could catch a star. We have been looking at different constellations and recreating them on the playground.
We have been discussing our word of the week-reflection. The children used this word when describing what they needed to do during one of our classroom challenges.
Help at home: by practising the phonemes and letter formation that is on the Friday home learning sheet.
We have been continuing our work on part wholes. The children have been partitioning numbers and using the sentence stems ….. is a part…… is a part …. is a whole.
We enjoyed discussing different places of worship on Monday and then the children recreated some of these using the classroom equipment.
Remember: to bring your child’s reading record book and library book on a Thursday.
Reminder: learning drop in
This is an opportunity to “drop into” school and share your child’s learning journal with them. This will involve looking through your child’s learning journey book.
Learning Journey Drop in 1 – 03.12.24 and 05.12.24 Times – 8.45 am-9.15am and 3.15pm-3.45pm
Autumn2: Week3
Our focus this week has been looking at parts and the whole of objects. We have been using a variety of objects to do this. For example, wheels are parts of a car that helps to make the whole. Our arms and legs are parts of our body that makes up us (the whole).
We have also been completing jigsaws this week and discussing how the pieces are the parts and the completed jigsaw is the whole.
Help at home: by looking at objects and discussing the parts and the whole.
This foundation then helps the children when partitioning numbers. For example, 5 is the whole and it is made up of parts 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 5 and 0.
Literacy led learning
This week we have been reading the book Night Monkey Day Monkey by Julia Donaldson. We have discussed that she has written lots of other books that we have read and that they often have rhyming words in them.
In the book, the monkeys discuss their shadows. This inspired the children to make different shadows and draw around them.
The book has a strong link with our word of the week- nocturnal. We have been discussing what that word means and what we normally do at different times of the day. For example, having breakfast in the morning and going to bed at nighttime.
The children have enjoyed making animal shelters for nocturnal animals in our creative area.
They also enjoyed making their own shelter using the parachute.
Help at home: by practicing reading the tricky words we have learnt so far:
is, I, the, as, and, has, his, her, go, no
Remember: to send the children to school with hats and gloves, as it is getting colder.
Nursery Rhyme Week
During nursery rhyme week, the children enjoyed reciting and acting out different nursery rhymes.
Linked to World Nursery Rhyme Week, we’ve been reading this classic book by Jane and Allan Ahlberg. The children loved listening carefully for the rhyming words and spotting familiar characters on each page.
Autumn 2: Week2
Thank you to all those that attended the math stay and learn. The feedback qr code has been sent to you. Please can you complete the feedback form.
SE Maths Mastery presentation stay and learn 2024
As mentioned in the meeting the app one min maths app by White Rose is good for math fluency.
For those of you that could not make it, attached is the presentation.
If you have any questions please ask.
The children enjoyed Odd Sock day. They were able to talk about our differences and we discussed this being our super power that there is no one in the world the same as us.
For math this week, we have been comparing amounts of objects using the language more than, fewer than and the same as. The children have enjoyed completing the math challenges using this language.
Help at home: by sharing different amounts of objects (less than 10) and comparing.
We have been creating art work inspired by Seurat. We have been using cotton buds, bubble wrap and pen lids to create different sized dots with paint.
Outside the children have been building cars to go on adventures, finding conkers and having tea parties.
We had a visit from the Road Safety team on Thursday who spoke about crossing roads safely and the importance of wearing a seat belt.
Help at home: by ensuring regular reading is taking place.
Reminder: stay and learn sessions
Number 1 – 13.11.24 9-9:30am
Autumn 2: Week 1
We have had lots of fantastic guests during community week including the author of Grandad’s Wheels.
We also had a visitor who shared with us how it feels to be blind and some of the obstacles he has to overcome. The children got the opportunity to feel some braille and ask him questions.
The children have enjoyed discussing what a community is and what communities they belong to.
Help at home: by talking further about different communities and celebrations.
We have been talking about different festivals this week including Diwali and Bonfire night.
The children have even created lights as part of their challenge time this week.
The children have also enjoyed completing other challenges around the classroom.
This week, we have been looking at different representations of 5. The children have enjoyed making 5 lots of different ways.
In our outdoor area, we have enjoyed lots of role play including making cars to travel to different places and magical kingdoms.
Reminder: Tuesday 12th October we are wearing odd socks to school to celebrate our differences.
Reminder: next week is World Nursery rhyme week . We will be celebrating in class.
Help at home: by sharing nursery rhymes with your child.
Reminder: stay and learn
Stay and learn will take place next week.
Number 1 – 13.11.24 9-9:30am
It would be great to see you all there. It is a fantastic opportunity for you to learn how we deliver our lessons and the content that is covered.