Year 3 Class News

Living and learning – what might change about me?

Posted on Monday 12 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

Continuing our Being me Living & Learning, we had a discussion in class about our similarities and differences. We talked about what makes us unique to others and we also came up with things we were good at.

Next, we compiled these differences into a whole class list and split them into three categories:

We realised we are all different but these interests and qualities are ever-changing. When we read out what we were good at, we stood up to show we agreed and thought we were good at the same thing. Lots of us were up and down like yoyos, proving that although we may have contrasting lives, we often share similar strengths and weaknesses.

We are super spellers. 

Posted on Monday 12 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

It’s great to see children being resourceful in order to support spelling. 

From using Zero Tolerance spelling cards…

… to getting dictionaries if we need one. 

Remember to check out our spelling support for tips and ideas and other super spelling strategies. 

Homework – we LOVE reading!

Posted on Monday 12 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

WOW! Today, I witnessed my favourite homework review – I can show what I love about reading. The children’s enthusiasm and love for all things books really shone through and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing and hearing about everyone’s efforts. Here are some highlights:

You’d have to go on many a quest to find more creative homework than this!

Books rock! (Keep an eye out in Roundhay park for these colourful, hand-painted stones. Take a photo if you find one!)

There’s nothing horrid about reading!

I had to poster ’bout it!

Reading can be comic-al.

You’d have to search far and wide to find people who love reading more than us!

We really raised the bar (graph), this week!

Living and Learning – a body image guide for parents and carers

Posted on Friday 09 March 2018 by Mrs Taylor

This term, our Living and Learning theme is Being me.  Part of this learning is all about body image.  This parent and carer guide has been designed to give practical ideas to support your child in building their emotional resilience in this area.


Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Mrs Freeman

I’m sure you will agree – this week has been a fairly tricky one! It was great to see the majority of the children return to school today.

Over the next few weeks, Year 3 and 4 will be very busy rehearsing for their production. This takes place in the last week of term. We’d like all the children to learn their lines and the songs. Next week, your child will bring home a letter informing you of the costumes they will need for their part. Please don’t worry if you can’t provide some items. However, it would be much appreciated if you can search through your wardrobes and help us with this.

So far, the singing from both classes has been superb and we’re really looking forward to the children putting on a good show for us all to enjoy!

Many thanks.

Comparing heights

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

Today in maths, we had fun finding out how tall we are! We practised saying our height in different ways. For example:

“I am 1m and 26cm tall. I am 126cm tall,” said Jasraj.

Isabella said, “I am 1m 46cm or 146cm tall.”

We linked our measuring back to the equivalent lengths we looked at earlier in the week.

For example, 500cm is the same as “5m,” said Leo, and “5000mm,” said Jemima. (I really liked that answer.)

Here are some photos of us measuring our heights, making sure the tape measure started at the very bottom of our heels or the very top of our heads.

Living and learning – I can say something good about myself. 

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

What do Y3 like about themselves?

This week’s living and learning theme was all about saying something good about ourselves.

At Moortown, we strive to be confident in our abilities and comfortable in our own skin.

During our circle time this week, we discussed what was good about ourselves and each other. Take a look at the main themes that came up below:

“I am good at anything as long as I work hard. I’m really proud of myself,” said Rayn.

Should zoos be banned?

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Miss Wilson

Well done to all of Y3 for engaging brilliantly with this week’s Talk Time homework.

Even though there were people who believed in one side of the argument only, they were able to understand and give points for the other side, too. Everyone listened and waited for their turn to speak.

We had a really interesting discussion in class. Overall, we voted that we thought zoos should not be banned.

Take a look at the table below. Can you spot something you had spoken about at home?

Should zoos be banned?

We won!

Posted on Monday 26 February 2018 by Miss Wilson

We are one cool class!

Well done, everyone!

World Book Day themed menu

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Mrs Taylor

Catering Agency, our school meal provider, will be running a special themed menu on Thursday 01 March.