Year 6 Class News

TAG rugby

Posted on Thursday 24 February 2011 by Mrs Taylor

For the next half term, Year 6 will be taking part in five weeks of tag rugby coaching on Monday afternoons.  The programme has been set up by Leeds Carnegie and we are one of a small number of local schools selected to take part.

Please ensure children have their outdoor PE kit at school for these sessions.

Class Poetry

Posted on Thursday 27 January 2011 by

As you know, Year Six studying a unit of work where they are imagining they are ‘Snowbound’ in school. As part of the topic, we have been studying different writing genres.

Today the class worked together to share ideas about writing poetry.

We wrote a poem about sleeping in school that compares the noises, thoughts and fears you may have at night in school to those you may have in a jungle.

Here is our poem.

Classroom Jungle

Darkness… all around.


Wailing wind lashes windows,

Tiger-claw branches scratch.

It whispers: let me in.


Blinds are shadow makers,

Moonlight is squeezing through.

Transforming everything.


Children are snakes,

Tables are fallen trees,

Door keys are panther eyes:


Staring….. staring.


Caged animals line the walls,

Clicking and groaning.

Bat-like paper draped from the ceiling…



To pounce?



A drawer falls, eyes open, hearts pound, screams of fear,

Night is disturbed.

The classroom jungle has awoken.



By Year Six

Every Child Matters Survey Preparation

Posted on Sunday 16 January 2011 by Mrs Taylor

This week Year 6 have their pupil diary to complete prior to taking part in the ECM survey this Friday.  By completing this diary, the more accurate the data will be in the survey.

The anonymous ECM survey gives our school information of how we can support the health and well-being of our pupils and will be used by other health professionals to bring about positive change in all areas of health.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the diary.

If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please come and see me.

A Review of Last Term

Posted on Wednesday 12 January 2011 by

Last term was very successful with lots of learning taking place in all curriculum areas and SEAL. When we asked the children what their favourite learning was, many said it was the opportunity to dress up and experience Victorian Day. The children have also enjoyed the opportunity to use the Year Six Forums on the website.

Here’s looking forward to another busy, eventful and successful half term!

Fun In The Snow

Posted on Tuesday 30 November 2010 by




Vile Victorians Assembly

Posted on Tuesday 30 November 2010 by

Thank you to all the parents for the positive comments about our Vile Victorians assembly. Here are a few of the comments we collected during the assembly:

One mum said, “Fabulous as always.”

Another thought that the assembly was excellent, especially the shoe polisher!

I really enjoyed it. The children looked wonderful,” was another comment.

Again, many thanks for your comments.

Class Assembly

Posted on Friday 26 November 2010 by

Our first Class Assembly was on Thursday 25 November.

Well done children! You performed with confidence and enthusiasm and gave the rest of the pupils a hugely interesting show jam-packed with examples of your great learning about Vile Victorians.

You should be very proud of yourselves!

Well done again.

Mrs Hazell.

Victorian Day

Posted on Friday 19 November 2010 by

Hand inspection

Working hard. Make sure it's neat!


05 November 2010

Posted on Friday 05 November 2010 by

What a busy term so far full of great learning! Year Six have read two class novels and finished one topic of our SEAL work. We have moved rapidly on to our fourth unit of learning in Maths and are half way through are very exciting and interesting topic on Vile Victorians.

We have learnt to play cricket, had some rugby coaching and have just started a multi skills games unit with PE specialist students from Leeds Met University.

The Year Six Tuck Shop is up and running and is a roaring success. Health week was fantastic and hugely informative and our Science topic on Materials was completed with great detail and enthusiasm. Now we’re all looking forward to our next half term and all the learning, experiences and fun that will bring.