03 April 2020: Home learning
Good morning, everyone. Today is the last day of daily home learning as we break for two weeks for the Easter holiday. Other optional learning activities will be available for this break.
Here are your daily physical and mindfulness activities plus today’s learning tasks.
Physical activity: This video from the cricket themed website, Chance to Shine, focuses on the skill of catching.
Mindfulness activity: Today, why not try some back to back breathing with someone at home. This is something we have tried in class.
1.Begin sitting up as tall as possible and back to back with a partner. You can place your legs however is most comfortable for you.
2. Take a few deep breaths on your own and feel the support of your partner behind you, doing the same thing. You may close your eyes, or keep them focused on one point.
3. After a few rounds of calming breath on your own, notice if you can feel the breath of your partner.
5. You may then begin to breathe together.
Today’s Lexia stars are Evan and Inaaya who have achieved their next level.
It’s Friday so it is spelling test day. Ask your adult to test you on the spellings for this week (grinned, dropped, stumbled, confused, hurried, tidied, groaned, splashed) by putting the word in a sentence so you understand the meaning and maybe mixing up the order of the words. There won’t be any new spellings for the Easter break.
Have a focus on your handwriting when writing your spellings following our handwriting guidelines.
Task 1 reading
Here are the answers from yesterday.
a. What kind of text is this?
Choose one story instructions poem recount
b.Find and copy a word that means not very nice. disgusting
c.Find and copy a word that is an antonym (opposite) of quiet. loud
d.Find and copy a word that rhymes with new. chew What other words rhyme with new? few, you, who, shoe, dew, blue plus others
e.What does the word broth mean? a type of soup
f.Find three things that the Goops do that are not good table manners.
Any three of the following…licking their fingers, licking their knives, spilling their food, talking while eating and chewing loud and fast.
Here are some other table manners to remember.
Today’s learning
1. Reread the Table Manners fluency text for a final time and if you can, read it to someone that is not in your house maybe over a video call. Remember to use your expression as you read.
2. First News is a weekly child friendly news paper. Here are some articles from this week’s paper to read with some questions to complete. Choose to complete one, two or all three.
Challenge: Here’s a link to the full newspaper. Choose and read another article and tell someone what it is about.
Task 2 maths
Here’s one possible set of answers from yesterday. There are also other possibilities. This problem solving challenge took a lot of resilience!
Today’s learning
1.It’s times table day today so to start with, if you are able to access this at home, spend ten minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars.
Following a couple of requests from parents, we have amended the Rock Stars times tables so that you will now be able to practise x10, x5 and x2. If you would prefer to continue with a single times table, just let us know.
Therefore, for today’s times table test, you should be tested with eight questions. Let your adult know the times table you would like to be tested on.
2. Listen to one of the times tables songs from Super Movers.
3. Complete the following activities based on the 5 times table. Activities based on other times tables can be found here.
Colour in or copy out all of the numbers that are the solutions of the five time table.
Complete the circle by multiplying the number in the centre by the middle ring to get the outer numbers.
Challenge: Using a fact from the five times table, come up with a number story to match the fact. For example, there are six children in a group. Each child has five balls. How many balls are there altogether?
Task 3 Science
Inspired by the fantastic rainbows we have been sent here’s a science experiment for you to try at home. Hopefully you can access the things you need.
If you are unable to do this at home, you could investigate colour mixing and research the primary and secondary colours.
Well done for such a great effort with the learning we have set so far. We hope you all have a safe and healthy Easter break and we will be back with our daily home learning activities in two weeks time.
02 April
Look what appeared in our garden yesterday morning!
Luckily, this wasn’t real but it was our April fool based on Google 3D animals. Have you tried it?
Here are your daily physical and mindfulness activities plus today’s learning tasks.
Physical activity: The new #ThisisPE video is all about footwork patterns.
Mindfulness activity: Today, why not try this secret treehouse guided meditation.
Today’s Lexia stars are Penelope, Zhuokai and Sunny who have achieved their next level.
Just one more day until your spelling test. Here’s a reminder of this week’s words.
grinned, dropped, stumbled, confused, hurried, tidied, groaned, splashed
Why not try some word shapes with your spellings today. The tall boxes are needed for letters that have ascenders (b, d, h, k, l and t) and if there is a letter with a descender (f, g, j, p, q and y), then the box needs to be lower than the other boxes.
Task 1 reading
***** Apologies – here are the answers from yesterday’s Mystery Key comic comprehension. ******
We’ve had a query from a parent about whether answers for a reading comprehension should be recorded as a sentence or not. We tell the children that, in this instance, they do not need to answer in a full sentence but simply to record the answer as show below. Sometimes, this type of learning might be timed so the children are advised to use their time effectively and record simple answers. Hope that makes sense!
a.Why were the pirates following the map? to find the treasure/to use the key
b.Why did the pirates not want to go down the cliff? because ospreys might be there and they have sharp beaks
c.What did the pirates use a pulley for? to pull up the chest
d.Find and copy two words to describe the donkey. nosey and grey
e.Find and copy a word that means a box. chest
f.Put these places, that the pirates visited, in order.
4 Osprey Cliff 2 smoky volcano 3 stony valley 1 grey boulder beach
The adjectives used in the poem were mystery, grey, boulder, smokey, stony, nosey, grey and sharp.
1.Read through the fluency text again (below) and this time try to use some expression as you read.
Table Manners
The Goops they lick their fingers,
And the Goops they lick their knives,
They spill their broth on the table-cloth,
Oh, they live disgusting lives.
The Goops they talk while eating,
And loud and fast they chew,
So that is why I am glad that
I’m not a Goop. Are you?
By Gelett Burgess
2. Answer the following questions about the text.
a. What kind of text is this?
Choose one story instructions poem recount
b.Find and copy a word that means not very nice.
c.Find and copy a word that is an antonym (opposite) of quiet.
d.Find and copy a word that rhymes with new. What other words rhyme with new?
e.What does the word broth mean?
f.Find three things that the Goops do that are not good table manners.
3. This week our Living and Learning statement is I use good table manners.
Discuss with someone the different table manners that we should use (not based on what the Goops do!).
Challenge: What do you think a Goop looks like? Draw and label a picture of one.
Task 2 maths
Here are your answers from yesterday.
The first and second patterns use two shapes. The colours of the shapes are different. In the 3rd pattern, one shape is used in different orientations. In the 2nd pattern, the shape is used twice each time.
Today’s learning
Start by listening to this counting song from Super Movers.
Today’s learning is based on a problem from nrich maths website.
Challenge: Are there any other totals that would work?
Task 3 Toys now and then
Think back to the story, PEEPO!, from yesterday.
1.Discuss with someone if the things in PEEPO! are the same as now or different. How do you know?
2.Using the picture of ‘porridge’ from the book, find three similarities (the things which are the same) to now and three things that are different.
3. Look at the diagram below. Can you add more facts to it?
01 April
It’s April fools day – hope you haven’t been caught out yet!
Here are your daily physical and mindfulness activities plus today’s learning tasks.
Physical activity: Why not get active with some gymnastics skills today? We enjoyed this video from Max Whitlock yesterday. He will be live every Tuesday and Friday at 3:30pm. I’m sure Betsy will be having a go to practise her skills.
Mindfulness activity: Today, have a go at the rainbow breath activity on GoNoodle.
There’s even more Lexia success today. Well done to Edith, Evie and Moosa who have achieved their next level.
Task 1 reading
1.Read through the fluency text again (below) and take account of the punctuation as you read. Also, remember to aim for 20 minutes of reading (of any texts) a day where possible.
Table Manners
The Goops they lick their fingers,
And the Goops they lick their knives,
They spill their broth on the table-cloth,
Oh, they live disgusting lives.
The Goops they talk while eating,
And loud and fast they chew,
So that is why I am glad that
I’m not a Goop. Are you?
By Gelett Burgess
2. Read the Mystery Key comic including words with the ey phoneme (last week’s spellings).
3. Answer the following questions about the text.
a.Why were the pirates following the map?
b.Why did the pirates not want to go down the cliff?
c.What did the pirates use a pulley for?
d.Find and copy two words to describe the donkey.
e.Find and copy a word that means a box.
f.Put these places, that the pirates visited, in order.
Osprey Cliff smoky volcano stony valley grey boulder beach
Challenge: Find all the adjectives (describing words) in the text.
Task 2 maths
Here are your answers from yesterday.
The can should be in the ‘both’ set because it has flat faces and a curved surface.
Same – both have square faces, 6 faces, 12 edges, don’t roll, can stack, no curved edges.
Different – name, colour, size, one only has square faces the other has squares and rectangles.
Cube or cuboid
Shape D – the triangular prism
Some shapes with flat faces will stack – they will need to have flat faces on opposite sides (cubes, cylinders, cuboids).
Shapes with a curved surface will roll (cone, sphere, cylinder).
Some shapes with a flat face cannot be stacked (square based pyramid, cone).
Today’s learning
Start by listening to this 3D shape song.
Today, we are looking at patterns with 3D shapes.
1.Complete the following patterns based on the sequence so far.
2. Try the following reasoning problem.
Challenge: Make your own repeating pattern using two different 3D shapes.
Task 3 Toys now and then
Read or listen to the story Peepo. Discuss that this story might be about when your grandparents were little.
Draw a timeline in your book (like the one below) and label the years in decades (every 10 years).
Can you put the year you were born onto the timeline?
Can you find out when some of your family members were born and add then to the timeline? What will you need to do if someone was born in 1950?
Challenge: If somebody in your family is 50, what year would they have been born?
31 March
Happy Tuesday, Year 2! We hope you’ve had your breakfast and you are ready for today’s learning.
Here are your daily physical and mindfulness activities for you to try.
Physical activity: #ThisisPE has just been launched by Yorkshire Sport Foundation to support parents and carers to teach some PE at home and we love this first video based on tennis skills. Videos will be posted at 1pm on a Monday, Wednesday and a Friday. You don’t need sports equipment – all the videos will use items that you can find around the home.
Mindfulness activity: Each day we take about 20,000 breaths. Try this flower breathing exercise to bring attention to your breathing.
There’s even more Lexia success to announce – Olivia, Betsy and Ralph have achieved their next level.
Task 1 reading
Based on the fluency text from yesterday, here are some words with definitions.
spill – where a liquid goes over the edge of a container
broth – a kind of soup
tablecloth – a cover for a table
disgusting – something not very nice
loud – not quiet
chew – to use your teeth to break up food in your mouth
glad – happy
Did you spot the rhyming pattern in the poem?
Firstly, spend ten minutes on Lexia (if you can access this at home).
Today, we are looking at another image from Pobble365 titled Animal Town.
1.What jobs might the animals in the picture do in Animal Town?
2.How might Animal Town be different to a human town?
3.What problems could happen in Animal Town?
4.Would animals be better off without humans?
Challenge: If you could be any animal, what would it be and why?
Task 2 maths
Here are your answers from yesterday.
A face is a flat or curved surface on a 3D shape.
An edge is where two faces meet.
A vertex is a corner where edges meet. The plural is vertices.
Today’s learning
Complete the following reasoning questions based on the properties of 3D shapes.
Test this by sorting these 3D shapes onto the venn diagram – sphere, cone, cube, cylinder, square based pyramid and cuboid.
Task 3 writing
How many errors did you spot yesterday? Here are the answers.
Here is the Animal Town image again.
Most visitors are a little shocked (to put it mildly) when they arrive at Animal Town. Despite the fact that the name of the town gives a slight indication to passers-by that the inhabitants of the town are ‘not normal’, it’s as if people don’t believe things until the see them with their own eyes!
1.Imagine you are a visitor in Animal Town. Try to describe your experience. What might you see? What might you hear?
Challenge: Would you like to visit Animal Town? Give three reasons why or why not.
30 March
Good morning Year 2! Hope you and your families had a good weekend. It’s the start of a new week and we’ve lots of learning ready for you.
We will keep suggesting a physical activity and mindfulness activity that you can include in your day too.
Physical activity: Sports Jam is the active blast today on imovement.
Mindfulness activity: As well as thanking people for specific things, gratitude can also be a thankful feeling towards the world. Today, note down five things you are grateful (thankful) for. This will help you to notice the good. This mindfulness activity is taken from Scouts Great Ideas for Indoors.
These children have reached their next level in Lexia since Friday – Tommy, Cate, Saif and Jaiden. Great work!
Task 1 reading
Here’s the fluency text for this week. Aim to read this daily so that by the end of the week you will become more fluent when reading it. It would be great if you could ‘perform’ this poem by Friday – maybe to a relative over a video call?
Table Manners
The Goops they lick their fingers,
And the Goops they lick their knives,
They spill their broth on the table-cloth,
Oh, they live disgusting lives.
The Goops they talk while eating,
And loud and fast they chew,
So that is why I am glad that
I’m not a Goop. Are you?
By Gelett Burgess
Words I’m not sure of
1.Read the fluency text based on table manners (our Living and Learning statement for this week).
2.If you have time, copy out the text. Underline the words you are not sure of. Try to find out their meanings using a dictionary or online.
Challenge: Can you spot the rhyming pattern in the poem?
Task 2 maths
1. Watch the video about 3D shape properties.
2. Fill in the missing words to complete the definitions.
A ________ is a flat or curved surface on a 3D shape.
An ________ is where two faces meet.
A _______ is a corner where edges meet. The plural is _______.
Word bank: vertices edge face vertex
3.Complete the missing information below. You could use 3D shapes you found in your house on Friday to help you.
Challenge: Give clues to a 3D shape to a family member – can they guess the shape?
Task 3 writing
Hopefully you were successful with your spelling test last week.
Your spellings for this week are all words ending in ed. We’re revisiting the -ed suffix which is often used to change the form of a verb to the past tense (eg walk to walked). Children often make mistakes with this suffix: walkt or walkd.
These spellings have also been added to your child’s Spelling Shed account. Spelling Frame also has spelling games as an alternative online resource (spelling rules 12-16 look at adding suffixes like -ed). Parents/carers – if possible, please test your children on these words at the end of the week.
grinned, dropped, stumbled, confused, hurried, tidied, groaned, splashed
1.Read the text below that includes some of the spelling words.
2.Can you spot and correct the spelling errors in the text?
3. Can you spot and correct the other errors too? These include punctuation and other spelling mistakes. There are 16 errors in total.
Challenge: Can you think of some other verbs where we add the -ed suffix?
jake hurryed to the swimming pool becos it was his swimming lesson he stumbled and droped his kit on the flor. He tidyed it up and grined to himself as he new he wud make it in time. Wen he arrived at the pool, he wos confoosed as no one was there. ‘Oh no!’ Jake growned and then he realised. ‘I forgot to chanje my clock!’
Have a great day of learning and keep look at our class news page to see some of your fantastic home learning work.
27 March
Wow! Year 2 you are really impressing us with all your fantastic home learning this week. Keep looking at our class news page to see your learning on display and being celebrated.
Learning will continue to be posted for you at 9am each day so if you are an early riser, spend some time reading, practising spellings and times tables, do some art or work through your maths pack from school before you get your daily tasks.
Physical activity: At school we have our daily Wake Up Shake Up at 10am. Today, why not put on a favourite song and have a dance around – maybe even making up your own routine.
Mindfulness activity: Using a sheet of paper, take your pencil for a walk, without taking it off the paper, and then colour in the sections you have created in different colours.
Well done to Hardev who has now reached his next Lexia level. ***Friday update – Theo too! ***
Here are your home learning tasks for today.
It’s Friday so it is spelling test day. Ask your adult to test you on the spellings for this week (key, donkey, monkey, chimney, valley, honey, money, turkey) by putting the word in a sentence so you understand the meaning. New spellings for next week will be posted on Monday.
Task 1 reading
Firstly, here are your answers from yesterday.
Are the following statements true or false?
Polar bears eat plants. TRUE or FALSE
Polar bears are good at swimming. TRUE or FALSE
Polar bears often eat seals. TRUE or FALSE
Polar bears can’t smell very well. TRUE or FALSE
Find and copy a word from the text that means
usually __generally_____
amazing __remarkable____
can’t be seen __camouflage___
firmly pressed together __compacted___
How do the polar bears keep warm in the cold Arctic environment? Their thick white coat and a layer of fat keep them warm.
1. Today, we would like you to choose a book (fiction/non-fiction or other text such as a poem or a comic) from home.
2.Tell us about it. You should include the title, the author, a little bit about it, why you like it and maybe a picture too.
Challenge:What one adjective would you use to describe it?
Task 2 maths
Here are your answers from yesterday’s learning in ascending order.
0 x 5 = 0
1 x 2 = 2
10 = 5 x 2
2 x 10 = 20
24 = 12 x 2
6 x 5 = 30
9 x 5 = 45
10 x 10 = 100
It’s Friday so it is times tables test day. Based on the times table you have been set on Times Table Rock Stars, ask your adult to test you on 8 facts from that times table. We use different vocabulary such as 8 lots of 5, 8 multiplied by 5 and 8 times 5.
Before you start today’s activity, time how long it takes you to write down all the number bonds to 20 (eg 20 + 0 = 20). How do you know when you have got them all?
Following our learning on 2D shapes, we will now be thinking about 3D (not flat) shapes.
1. Watch the video to see some 3D shapes. Here are the names of some 3D shapes.
2. 3D shapes are all around us. Go on a 3D shape hunt around your house. Record the object and the matching 3D shape.
Challenge: Have a look at the 3D shape object – what 2D shapes can you see?
Task 3 science
1.Watch the video of different science experiments.
2. Choose one of the experiments from the video. Can you use your observational (looking) skills to describe what happens.
3. Include some time connectives (firstly, then, next, after that, in the end) in your description.
Challenge: With an adult, if you have the equipment needed, have a go at one of the experiments at home.
It’s nearly the weekend! Don’t forget to change your clocks. It’s Earth Hour this weekend so you might want to find out more about this.
Well done for all your efforts this week. Stay safe and we will be back with more home learning next week.
26 March
***Yoga Space are running a free kids yoga this morning at 10.30am. You need to register 1 hour before the class starts to take part. ***
Thank you for all the photos of your home learning work so far. It’s been great to hear and see how you have been getting on and we are proud of all your enthusiasm. We are particularly impressed with how neat and well presented your learning is. Keep this up! It is important to take pride in your work. Have a look at the class news page to see some examples.
Physical activity: As well as your daily exercise outside your house, why not try one of the many activity videos on imovement. There are different ones each day.
Mindfulness activity: Today, take some time to lie down in a quiet place and listen to some relaxing music with your eyes closed. A chance to refocus before restarting your learning.
We’ve had another Lexia achievement with Penelope getting her next Lexia level yesterday. Well done! Where possible, the aim is to reach Level 9 by the end of Year 2.
Here are your home learning tasks for today.
Task 1 reading
Firstly, try to keep reading a variety of texts while you are learning at home. We recommend 20 minutes of reading every day.
1.Reread the fluency text all about polar bears. You should be able to read it a bit more fluently today now it is more familiar.
2.Use the text to answer the questions below.
Polar bears
Polar bears are the planet’s biggest land-based carnivores – although they actually spend most of their lives around water and ice (their Latin name means ‘sea bear’). So they’re at particular risk from global warming, which is melting the Arctic sea ice they depend on.
Polar bears generally live and hunt alone, though they can be quite social too. They mainly eat seals – using their remarkable sense of smell they can detect a seal in the water beneath a metre of compacted snow, and from almost a kilometre away.
Adults are strong swimmers – they can swim for several hours to get from one piece of ice to another. Their thick white coat and a layer of fat keep them warm and camouflaged in their harsh Arctic environment.
1. Are the following statements true or false?
Polar bears eat plants. TRUE or FALSE
Polar bears are good at swimming. TRUE or FALSE
Polar bears often eat seals. TRUE or FALSE
Polar bears can’t smell very well. TRUE or FALSE
2.Find and copy a word from the text that means
usually ___________
amazing __________
can’t be seen ________
firmly pressed together ___________
3.How do the polar bears keep warm in the cold Arctic environment?
Challenge: Can you think of your own question about the text?
Task 2 maths
Here are your answers from yesterday’s learning. How did you do?
1 curved side – circle
3 vertices – triangle
4 straight sides – rectangle
4 straight sides of equal length – square
5 sides – pentagon
6 vertices – hexagon
8 sides – octagon
For the challenge question, we would encourage the children to check the number of sides on a shape by marking each side with a line as they count.
Before you start today’s activity, count in 2s, 5s and 10s (upto 24, 60 and 120). You could even teach someone how we use the cross crawl action when we count.
Today, we will be focusing on times tables. Remember in Year 2 we want you to try and learn your ten, five and two times tables (in that order).
1. Spend 10 minutes on Times Tables Rock Stars. Based on our checks in class, you have been set the times table that you need to practise. Please email (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org) if you need help with logging in.
2.Complete the following number sentences. Remember to skip count on your fingers to help you.
3. Put the number sentences in order from from the lowest total to the highest total.
2 x 10 = __
6 x 5 = __
__ = 5 x 2
10 x 10 = __
0 x 5 = __
__ = 12 x 2
9 x 5 = __
1 x 2 = __
Challenge: Choose three of the above times table facts and write down the other facts you know using this information. For example, if you know that 4 x 10 = 40, you also know that 10 x 4 = 40, 40 ÷ 10 = 4 and 40 ÷ 4 = 10.
Task 3 Living and Learning
Our statement for this week is:
1. Tell someone what proud means.
2.Tell someone what showing off means.
2. Imagine someone has got first prize in a talent competition. Draw a picture of them (with two speech bubbles) telling a friend what has happened.
3. Use one speech bubble to show what they might say to their friend if they were feeling proud and in the other what they would say if they were showing off.
Challenge: What might you do if someone was showing off about something?
Finally, we’ve spotted lots of rainbows in windows as we’ve been out for our daily walk. Have you spotted any? Have you got one in your window? We’d love to see it!
25 March
Hope you are all set for today’s activities. You maybe starting to have some kind of routine or timetable now and as with the normal school day, remember to include plenty of brain breaks.
Physical activity: Joe Wicks’ live PE lesson is proving popular in our house – hope you are managing to join in too. It’s a great start to the day! Today, why not also try one of the many videos on GoNoodle. I know a particular class favourite is Banana, Banana, Meatball.
Mindfulness activity: Cosmic Kids Yoga have a variety of yoga, mindfulness and relaxation videos to follow online. Let us know which ones you’d recommend to a friend.
Well done to Leon who achieved his next Lexia level yesterday. Just 10/15 minutes a day can help your child to progress in their Lexia learning.
Here are your home learning tasks for today.
Task 1 reading
Reread the fluency text about polar bears from Monday. Today, read it aloud and take account of the punctuation in the text – a short pause for a comma and a longer pause where there is a full stop.
Hopefully you enjoyed the Pobble365 image from yesterday. There are no wrong answers for the questions that were set but it is always good if you can explain your answers by giving reasons based on the text/image. For example, maybe they had got the plane from a museum because it looks old.
Today, we have a poetry text including some of our spelling words this week.
1.Read the poem aloud.
2.Read it again in a different voice. For example, an excited voice or a tired voice.
3.Copy out the words in the poem that follow the ey pattern like your spellings.
4.Think of other words that follow the ey pattern (Spellzone can provide some more if you get a bit stuck).
Challenge: Try and add a third verse following the pattern of the poem and including some ‘ey’ words.
Task 2 maths
Here are your answers from yesterday’s learning. How did you do?
Before you start today’s activity, write out, in digits and words, the numbers from 0 to 20.
Today, we will finish our learning on 2D shapes with a sorting exercise.
1. Using the shapes listed in the word bank, sort them into the correct box.
2.Attempt to draw the shapes too.
Challenge: Complete the question below.
Task 3 Toys now and then
Imagine you have lost one of your toys (go and get it so you have it in front of you).
1.Write a description in sentences to help people find your toy.
2.Think about what adjectives you could include to give more description.
3. Include a picture of your toy too.
Challenge: Look at the adjectives you have used. Can you think of what is the opposite of these adjectives?
Finally, it would be great to see some of your home learning if you want to type it in an email (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org) or send it as a photo. Keep working hard, everyone. You’re doing great!
Tuesday 24 March: Home learning
Good morning Year 2! Hope you all had a productive first day of learning at home. Here are your home learning tasks for today.
Physical activity: Who joined in with Joe Wicks’ live PE lesson yesterday? The 30 minute session can be accessed at any time if you miss it in the morning. The sessions will be running Monday to Friday at 9am. Today, why not also try one of the Super Movers videos if you need a brain break. Here’s a video about division.
Mindfulness activity: Starfish meditation – this is a great way to refocus the mind. Spread your fingers on one hand like a star fish. Slowly, trace your finger, from the other hand, around your fingers and hand. Continue until you feel calm.
Here are some of the words you may have selected from the fluency text yesterday as words that you are not sure of. We use the word synonym to show words that mean the same.
carnivore – meat eating
particular – special
depend on – need
generally – usually
social – to be with others
remarkable – amazing
detect – find
compacted -firmly pressed together
camouflaged – can’t be seen
harsh – severe
Task 1 reading
This image is taken from the Pobble365 . This website shows a different picture every day as a stimulus for learning. The children have seen these images before in class. Answer the following questions about the photo.
1. What do you think it is that Poppy and Jasper have seen?
2.Where do you think Poppy got the aircraft from?
3.What will happen next?
4.Where do you think they had planned on going?
5.Will they reach their destination?
Challenge: What could be a title for the image?
Task 2 maths
Before you start today’s activity, here is a game to play (test your number bond knowledge – up to 20 or up to 100).
We have recently been learning about symmetry especially relating to shapes. Watch this video to remind yourself of what it means.
1.Look at the 2D shapes below. Which shapes are symmetrical?
2. Which shapes have more than one line of symmetry?
3.Play this game to check your understanding of symmetry.
Challenge: Which capital letters have lines of symmetry?
Task 3 writing
Look back at the Pobble365 image. Here’s a story starter.
Flying is supposed to be fun, right?
Poppy often dreamed about what her first flight would be like. She’d imagined it was like being a bird; free and weightlessly drifting through the clouds.
The first part of the journey had been exactly as she’d hoped it would be. Jasper agreed, signalling his enjoyment by barking enthusiastically from the co-pilot’s seat.
Things were about to take a drastic turn for the worse…
1.Continue the story. What could happen next?
Challenge: Use two different conjunctions in your learning (such as because, but, and, so, when or if).
Monday 23 March: Home learning
Good morning Year 2! Here are your home learning tasks for today. There are some optional challenges too. We will also give you a suggested physical activity and mindfulness activity to help you to keep physically and mentally healthy.
Physical activity: Why not start your day by joining in with the free live PE with Joe video for kids. These sessions will be running daily at 9am.
Mindfulness activity (we usually do these straight after lunch but it can be included at any point in the day): OK breathing – Make an ‘ok’ sign on your tummy and slowly breathe in and out. This sign is to represent that it is ok to feel different emotions. No emotions are bad. Emotions change and you won’t feel like that forever.
Task 1 reading
Here’s the fluency text for this week. The children are used to having these these texts weekly in class and they are aimed at developing the children’s fluency when reading.
1.Read the non-fiction text below based on polar bears (like our class mascot, Snowy, that we have adopted from WWF).
2.Underline and copy out words you are not sure of. Try to find out some of their meanings using a dictionary text or online.
3. Reread the text and record two facts you have learnt about polar bears.
Challenge: write an incorrect fact about polar bears too.
Polar bears
Polar bears are the planet’s biggest land-based carnivores – although they actually spend most of their lives around water and ice (their Latin name means ‘sea bear’). So they’re at particular risk from global warming, which is melting the Arctic sea ice they depend on.
Polar bears generally live and hunt alone, though they can be quite social too. They mainly eat seals – using their remarkable sense of smell they can detect a seal in the water beneath a metre of compacted snow, and from almost a kilometre away.
Adults are strong swimmers – they can swim for several hours to get from one piece of ice to another. Their thick white coat and a layer of fat keep them warm and camouflaged in their harsh Arctic environment.
Words I’m not sure of
Task 2 maths
1. Go on a shape hunt around your house and record, in your home learning book, the different 2D (flat) shapes that you find. For example, a rectangle on the front cover of a book.
2.You could also include their properties – sides and vertices (where two lines meet together at a point).
Challenge: Give clues to one of the shapes to a family member – can they guess the shape?
Task 3 writing
Your spellings for this week are all words ending in ey. Don’t forget to spend some time on Spelling Shed to practise these words. Parents/carers – if possible, please test your children on these words at the end of the week.
key, donkey, monkey, chimney, valley, honey, money, turkey
1.Write questions with half of your spelling words. Then, use the other half to answer the questions. The sillier the better!
2.Underline the spelling words when you use them.
Challenge: Start each question with a different word.