Week 12: 30 June 2020: Home learning
Hello, everyone. How did you get on with yesterday’s learning?
Today, as it would be Being happy and healthy week, choose a physical activity to start your day. You could save the others to do throughout the week when you need a brain break.
Here are the answers from yesterday’s learning.
Lesson 1 Being healthy
We’re having a break today from our current science learning about animals for a healthy eating/design technology lesson.
1.Remind yourself of how we cut foods using the bridge and claw techniques.
2. Read these example recipes – rainbow fruit skewers, fruit kebab and fabulous fruit salad.
3. Depending on what ingredients you have at home, use this planning sheet to design and make your own fruit kebab or fruit salad.
4. Enjoy your healthy dish!
Lesson 2 reading
Today’s lesson is all about healthy teeth.
Click here (KS1 lesson) to read about Tilly the Tooth (with an optional science experiment).
Lesson 3 maths
1.Click here for today’s lesson. The answers for today are here.
2.Select the measurement section on Karate Cats.
3.Finally, if you’ve any fruit left, you could put your measurement skills to the test and have a go at this smoothie recipe.
Week 12: 29 June 2020: Home learning
Hello, Year 2s! Hope you managed to dodge the showers at the weekend.
Look at the baby animals we spotted while walking along the canal at the weekend. Can you name the adult animal and the young?
Have you seen the latest class news post? There’s been lots of learning to share. Keep sending it through to us (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org).
If you’ve not seen the Moortown Primary video yet, here’s the link. Hope you enjoy seeing some familiar faces.
This week, it would have been our Being happy and healthy themed week so there is a health theme to some of our learning.
Lesson 1 spelling
It’s Monday so here are this week’s spellings.
Watch this video to introduce the spellings.
Lesson 2 reading
- Start by spending 10/15 minutes on Lexia.
- Click here to see today’s text and questions.
Lesson 3 maths
- Start your maths learning by joining in with this Super Movers video.
- We are continuing our learning about capacity. Click here for today’s learning.
26 June 2020: Home learning
Happy Friday!
Your first task today is Love of Reading.
Find your favorite book, sit back and enjoy.
Here is a book review for you. Choose your favorite fiction and non fiction books to review.
Task 2
Revision of money
Here are a few activities. You can choose all the activities or one/two.
The first activity is for you to pretend to go shopping. You need to buy 2/3/4/ items and work out how much you have spent altogether.
An extra challenge would be to work out your change from £1, £2 and £5.
Good luck!
Task 3
Repeat pattern making
When thinking about shape in your designs, don’t just think about the shape of the end product.
Shapes can be used decoratively for a lot of products too.
Tessellation is when shapes fit together in a pattern with no gaps or overlaps.
The following short film gives an explanation of tessellation and shows it working, or not working, with different shapes.
Tessellating Capitals
I know that when doing symmetry we often have a look at CAPITAL LETTERS. We could try tessellating certain ones, deciding on good ones to try and those that would be no good.
A simple one to start with is the letter C – see what has happened when I’ve tried to tessellate them:
Slightly different …
Do you see how they are different?
Now try another one or two for yourself!
Capital F also seems a good one, but maybe it’s a little harder.
I decided to lay two of them down like this:
Then playing about with putting them together I got:
This I was quite happy with, so I thought that having shown you, you could try some for yourself.
Here are some sheets to help if you need them.
Please send us your tessellations.
25 June 2020: Home learning
Good morning!
Let’s start the day with some mindfulness.
Did you guess the animals yesterday?
- octopus
- seahorse
- dolphin
- shark
- crab
Task 1
Today we will be…
Identifying different parts of ocean animals and finding out what they are used for.
Have a look at these slides and try to answer the questions as you go. There is a quiz at the end so make sure you are paying attention!
Why not make your own quiz and test someone at home.
Task 2
LO: I can look for clues.
Task 3
Online safety
As we are all using technology a lot at the moment, it is important to remember how we keep ourselves safe whilst online.
What can you remember about online safety?
Have a go at these activities.
I wonder if you could design a poster/ leaflet to tell help younger children understand online safety?
Don’t forget to email your learning if you’d like us to see it.
24 June 2020
Good morning everyone!
How is your week going?
Please keep emailing us. We really love to see what you have all been up to.
Also, please let us know if you would like to be part of our class Zoom meeting.
I hope you are all being extra careful in the warm weather. Here is a story about staying safe in the sun for you to enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwyqaLnsi5Q
Task 1
Maths – revision of addition and subtraction
Task 2
LO: To be able to identify, describe and classify a variety
of ocean animals.
Can you answer these questions?
What is an ocean? Have you ever been on, in or near an ocean before? What was it like?
Watch this short clip.
Here are some slides all about animals in the ocean. Have a look through them and answer the questions. There is a ‘Guess Who‘ game at the end!
I will give you the answers tomorrow.
Task 3
Can you remember what a verb is?
Complete this activity on BBC Bitesize.
Complete activity 2 in your home learning books.
Activity 2: Let’s write some verbs
Write ten sentences that show things you have done in the past.
- Make sure you use capital letters and punctuation correctly.
- Highlight the verbs in each of your sentences
Here is an example: I have been swimming in a pool.
23 June: Home learning
Hope you got on ok with yesterday’s learning.
Over the next week or so, we would like as many of the class to send us a fact about themselves they think no one else will know. Please send this by email (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org) and all will be revealed soon!
Off we go for today…
Firstly, here are the answers from yesterday’s learning.
Lesson 1 science (animals including humans)
Click here for today’s learning which is all about animals and their young.
Lesson 2 reading
- Click here to listen to me reading today’s poetry text.
- Click here for the reading learning about the text.
Lesson 3 maths
Click here for today’s lesson.
22 June: Home learning
Hello, Year 2s! Hope you’ve all enjoyed the weekend and you’re raring to go for a new week.
We are excited to be back with this week’s home learning. Thank you to Mr Wilks for setting some great learning for you over the last few weeks.
Lesson 1 spelling
It’s Monday so here are this week’s spellings.
Lesson 2 reading
- Start by spending 10/15 minutes on Lexia.
- Click here to see today’s non-fiction information text and questions.
Lesson 3 maths
- Start your maths learning by joining in with this Super Movers measurement video.
- Here’s a video and information to introduce today’s learning about capacity and volume.
- Click here for today’s learning. It would be great to see some photos of this maths learning at home (carolinetaylor@spherefederation.org and jackiefreeman@spherefederation.org).
19 June 2020: Home learning
Hello everyone!
Hope you have had a good week! Thanks very much for all your hard work.
It is my last week posting the Year 2 learning as Mrs Taylor and Mrs Freeman will be back setting you your three tasks from Monday! I’ve really enjoyed being back in Year 2 for a few weeks. Thank you!
Okay, here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:
Y2 – Reading – Thursday – ANSWERS
It’s our Love of Reading session today. I’d like you to sit down with a good book and enjoy reading together. You might share a book or your child may want to read independently. Talk about what you’re reading and ask some questions.
For maths, we’re doing the BBC challenges again. Remember to have a go at the Year 3 ones if you want a further challenge!
Finally, it’s another week of Andy Goldsworthy’s natural art challenges. Andy Goldsworthy Challenges – Week 3
If the weather’s bad, you can do some observational drawing of something natural: a banana, some flowers, a turnip, your brother. It is up to you! If you fancy doing something different, have a look at these arty videos for some inspiration.
18 June 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 2s!
Hope you’re having a good week. Thanks for sending so many emails, letting me, Mrs Taylor and Mrs Freeman know how you’re getting on!
Here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:
Y2 – Reading – Wednesday – ANSWERS
Y2 – Wednesday – grammar – ANSWERS
Here’s today’s learning:
Click here for the maths video. Here is the worksheet: Y2 – Thursday – Mass
The final lesson for today is a Geography lesson about the continent of Antarctica from the BBC Daily Lesson site. Click here for the link.
17 June 2020: Home learning
Hello Year 2s!
I hope you’re okay. A shout out today to Betsy, Evie and Ehtasham who have been sending some great examples of their home learning! Thank you.
Here are the answers from yesterday’s learning:
Y2 – Reading – Tuesday – ANSWERS
Here is today’s learning:
Y2 – Wednesday – 2 times tables
Click here for the grammar video. Here is the worksheet: Y2 – Wednesday – grammar