
Friday 07 February

Posted on Friday 07 February 2025 by Mr McGriffiths

The spellings this week are tricky words we have been learning in phonics.






The spellings will be tested on Friday 14th February

National Storytelling Week

Posted on Monday 03 February 2025 by Miss Wilson

It’s national storytelling week! Y6 were pleased to join a webinar hosted by author Tola Okogwu. She’s written Onyeka, among lots of others, and took us through how she comes up with her amazing story ideas.


We could interact with Tola and she even picked Luca’s idea of the character having super stretchy legs as her super power! Check it out below.

We loved thinking creatively to start off this magical tale so help at home by finishing it off or starting a new one with your own ideas!


Reminder: stay and learn session

Posted on Friday 31 January 2025 by Kay Lowry

Fine Motor Skills and coffee morning – 03.02.25   9-10am

Magna Trip!

Posted on Thursday 30 January 2025 by Miss Birch

Today, Year 3 and 4 visited Magna Science Adventure Centre. The main focus for Year 3 was their Topic learning about volcanoes and Science about rocks. We had a fantastic day exploring and learning!

There are four main areas to Magna (plus the playground!)…


We explored the effect of air on movement.


The children saw how water goes through the water cycle.


Here we saw the different layers of the Earth and how they interact.


The fire section displayed how fire acts and what happens to things that catch on fire.

and of course, we explored the playground!

Our workshop focused on volcanoes and rocks.

Help at home by exploring the Magna website to see if there are more workshops that are worth visiting for! They often have free workshops too! https://www.visitmagna.co.uk/

Living and Learning: Speak Out, Stay Safe

Posted on Thursday 30 January 2025 by Miss Birch

 This week, the children learnt all about speaking out to stay safe with NSPCC.

We discussed children’s rights and the importance of the NSPCCs message of ‘speak out, stay safe’.

As part of this session, they identified their trusted adults that they could talk to if they needed or wanted. It’s so important to have these trusted adults and why we should always speak out rather than keeping our worries in.

Adults that we can talk to include:

  • parents/carers
  • grandparents
  • older siblings
  • teachers/headteacher
  • club leaders
  • friend’s parents
  • Alternatively, Childline is always there to call or visit their website for help.  https://www.nspcc.org.uk/

We watched this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRSJ0U3xWM4

Help at home: discuss who your child can talk to if they need help. If they don’t feel comfortable using their words, how else can they communicate? Write a note? Record their voice? Draw a picture?

Science: How are rocks different?

Posted on Tuesday 21 January 2025 by Miss Birch

Enquiry question: How are rocks different? 

Scientific skill: I can record findings from a comparative test.

Last Friday, Year 3 completed three small tests to find out how rocks are different.

  1. The ‘scratch’ test: Use a nail or paperclip to scratch a rock to find out how hard or soft it is. The softer it is, the more of a mark it will have.
  2. Does the rock react with acid (vinegar)? We put a small amount of white vinegar on the rocks to see if they would react. There might be a change in colour, bubbles or no reaction.
  3. Will it float or sink?

Each table had one rock to focus on then at the end, each group shared their findings.

Here’s what we found:

Help at home by researching this question.

Is chalk a hard or soft rock? Why would it be hard to see the scratch test on chalk?

Spring term after-school clubs

Posted on Friday 17 January 2025 by Mrs Taylor

We’ve had a great first week to our after-school clubs. There are some places available on the following clubs if your child would like to join. Please refer to the letter below to show the relevant year groups.

Story and colouring 
Lego KS2
Wake up Shake up – now open to Year 3
Fun and Games – now open to Year 4
Puzzle club
Story and colouring
Dazl dance
Basketball – now open to Year 3

Phonic Presentation

Posted on Monday 13 January 2025 by Kay Lowry

Thank you to all those that came to our phase 3 phonic presentation. For those of you who could not make it, here are the PowerPoint slides for you to look over.


Mt Stay and Learn PH3

As always, if there are any questions please ask.
I would be grateful if you could please complete the feedback form which is found in the QR code.

Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Lowry

New year, new topic!

Posted on Wednesday 08 January 2025 by Miss Birch

Happy New Year! We hope you had a great break from school and are feeling refreshed.

With a new year, comes a new term and a new topic. This half term, we are being geographers and learning about natural disasters, specifically volcanoes.

This week, we’ve learnt about what’s under the Earth’s crust…
The inner core is made from a mixture of solid metals (nickel and iron). It’s the hottest part of the Earth at around 6100 degrees Celsius!

The crust is the thinnest layer and is where the Earth’s tectonic plates are. These plates move underneath the Earth’s surface and cause natural disasters like volcanic eruptions.

Help at home: Research the location of different volcanoes around the world! Where are they most common? Is there a pattern to where they are? Your child can share their findings during our geography lessons!


Royal Ballet and Opera School Set Design

Posted on Monday 16 December 2024 by Miss Birch

Today, Year 3 joined a live lesson to learn more about how someone set designs for the Royal Ballet and Opera’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Visit this link to see more about this production: https://www.rbo.org.uk/tickets-and-events/alices-adventures-in-wonderland-details

We listened to how a set designer starts with their drawings to building a prototype to their final sets.

A part of the Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland set is the trees. We had a go at creating our own prototype trees using different materials.

It was quite tricky to create the cone shape but once we did, we tried to add texture to make it look realistic. Here’s some of our final trees…

Help at home: You can join another of their live lessons at home too! Visit this link here…https://www.rbo.org.uk/schools/teacher-training/live-lessons