Yorkshire Dance virtual dance workshops
Posted on 26 March 2021 by Mrs Taylor
Yesterday, all classes took part in dance workshops, led by dance artist Ellen, as part of the Yorkshire Dance RE:FRESH dance festival.
From Reception to Year 6, all the children copied, explored and performed different dance moves in their workshops.
While we can’t have visitors in school at the moment, this was a great virtual project we could get involved with.
Here are some comments from the Year 1 children.
I loved it because of all the moves we did.
I loved it because I like all the animals.
I liked to see you smiling.
It was amazing and you were amazing, Ellen.
This week's message (Friday 19 March 2021)
Posted on 19 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
This week, we’ve had to close Year 5,6 bubbles in two of the three Sphere schools. This is such a shame, but really does highlight that Covid-19 is still out there.
Testing for Covid-19 at home
In one of the situations, the bubble closing stemmed from a pupil who had tested positive at home with a home testing kit (a lateral flow device test, or LFD test). The family then went to get tested again, this time using the central test sites where the tests are processed in labs (a polymerase chain reaction test, or PCR test) and the test result was positive.
This shows the value of doing the home-testing. It helps spot cases when someone has Covid with no symptoms, but can still spread the virus. (These are called asymptomatic cases.)
If a pupil has symptoms of Covid they should get a PCR test. A home LFD test isn’t enough – a negative LFD test for a person with symptoms isn’t sufficient evidence that they are negative. If your child has symptoms of Covid, or just doesn’t seem right in any way, please don’t send them to school.
In the situation described above, we’re grateful to the family for spotting a positive case, keeping children away from school, and therefore helping to stop the spread of Covid.
And a couple of non-Covid news items…
Does your child use Omegle?
You may have read some worrying reports recently about a chatroom website called Omegle. The website has as its tag line ‘Talk to Strangers’ – as you can imagine it’s for 18s and over.
We’ve had some worrying reports that younger children have been accessing this website and may have seen some inappropriate things.
Please check your child’s device regularly.
We’re a happy and healthy place to work!
Moortown Primary is a happy and healthy place to learn, but we’re proud to be a happy and healthy place to work, too.
Every year in the Summer Term, we ask you to complete an annual survey – it’s always good to hear your views. Every two years, we also ask staff to complete a survey – the most recent was in February.
We’re delighted that across all three schools in Sphere Federation, 100% of staff agreed that pupils’ behaviour is good and that pupils are safe. You might think staff would say this, but the survey is an opportunity to ‘tell it how it is’ in an anonymous way, so these outcomes are great.
Other questions related to staff wellbeing and workload; leadership; the curriculum; and assessments. The outcomes in these areas were also really high – typically over 95%.
Typical comments from staff at Moortown Primary are:
- ‘All staff are vigilant and confident in safeguarding procedures – if they’re not then they ask. The curriculum empowers children to know how to be safe in many different areas.’
- ‘The Head of School and Head of Federation work very well as a team and are supported well by leaders across the federation.’
- ‘Over the years, the school has effectively adapted to challenges, especially during the current pandemic, ensuring staff and student’s safety and wellbeing.’
- ‘Leaders have been really understanding and supportive when I have faced challenging times.’
- ‘Workload is considered whenever new initiatives or procedures are introduced. Views are sought by teachers before, during and after implementation.’
- ‘Leaders listen to everyone and if there’s a problem, it will be addressed if at all possible, or there will be a clear explanation if this isn’t possible.’
Finally today, I found out that one of the fans of our daily / weekly messages is Mrs Weekes’s mum, so I’d like to say a big hello to her, and a happy Mothers Day to her, and of course to all mums!
Let's rock for Red Nose Day!
Posted on 15 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
Hello to all of you Times Tables Rock Stars
This Friday is Red Nose Day and the people at TTRS have come up with a great challenge to raise some extra money for Comic Relief.
Prices for a new nose start at 50,000 coins so we’d best get saving.
We’ve got until Friday – Red Nose Day. Let’s do our bit to help the nation reach that £5,000 target.
TTRS Tournament winners (wb 08 March)
Posted on 15 March 2021 by Mr Wain
Hello again to all of the Times Tables Rock Stars out there,
How are we all settling back into school? I hope you are all enjoying yourselves as much as all the teachers are!
The results are in. We have our ROCK STARS OF THE WEEK.
Recording an average score of 1490, the winners this week are Y3!
That’s now four times in a row – AMAZING!
Which class will knock Y3 off top spot this week or will they claim their fifth successive victory?
Now that we’re back in school, there’ll be opportunities to play in class as well as at home. Give your teacher a nudge as the week goes on if you’ve not yet had a chance to play. If you’d like to play at home and would like a reminder of your login details, let your teacher know.
All the best TTRS!
This week's message (Friday 12 March 2021)
Posted on 12 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
It’s the end of the first week back. Children have settled very quickly and teachers report they’re really keen to learn, which is great news. We hope the change to your week has been welcome!
Teachers also say the children, especially younger ones, have been tired, which is understandable – you can help with this by making sure they’re getting a good night’s sleep (the NHS recommend 9-12 hours for a 6-12 year old).
A word from Mrs Weekes
I’d also like to say a huge thank you to the children – their behaviour has been excellent and the atmosphere around school has been calm but with a healthy buzz of excitement!
Are you claiming income support?
The virus has been tough for us all. Some of you might be claiming income support to tide you over. If you are, please register your child for free school meals, even if…
- they don’t actually have a school dinner
- they’re in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and so they get a free meal already
This is because for every child registered, we get an extra £1320 this year. Make a claim here.
We can use this extra amount to help pay for all sorts of resources that can benefit your child and their class.
Parent-teacher meetings
Just before February half-term, we’d normally have parent-teacher meetings and provide you with a Learning Update. We’re still planning to have parent-teacher meetings, but these will be in the last week of this term (week beginning 29 March – check the school calendar for the dates) and will be via Zoom, the same as last time. We’ll email you more details shortly.
Red Nose Day
…is next Friday. To mark the occasion, we’re having a non-uniform day and inviting children to wear some red. There’ll be a bucket to collect donations as you enter school. (Even though it’s a non-uniform day, pupils should dress appropriately, so no revealing clothes, high-heeled shoes or make-up – this is in line with our uniform policy.)
Staying safe
In emails from the Department for Education this week, one message is very clear: ‘England is still in a national lockdown. You must stay at home, leaving only where permitted by law, and follow the rules in the national lockdown: stay at home guidance.’
Please do keep following lockdown rules – we all so desperately want this lockdown to be the last!
Enjoy your weekend (including Mothers Day!).
Today’s message (Monday 08 March 2021)
Posted on 08 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
It’s finally come – all the children are able to be back at school, where they belong.
There were lots of happy faces this morning as children returned to school. Some children might be feeling a bit nervous but within a few moments, they’ve settled quickly. (Some teachers were feeling nervous, too – they’ve also settled well!)
Well done for the great support you’ve provided in terms of home learning and making sure your child has been happy and healthy. This lockdown’s been tough so we’re sure things can’t have been easy. And thank you for the great support you’ve provided to us, too – your encouraging and appreciative messages have been really welcome.
Has your child got a cough? A high temperature? A loss of taste or smell? Or not feeling quite right in some other way? Please keep your child at home if they’re not feeling ok, even if they’ve done a lateral flow test at home with a negative result.
This is because these tests quite often show ‘false negatives’ – this is when a person who has Covid-19 has a negative result.
So why use a lateral flow test? Where the tests do show a positive result, there’s a strong chance the person has Covid-19, so they’re useful to identify people who aren’t showing any symptoms.
This is the last of the daily messages. From now, we’ll send occasional messages in the week and we’ll continue the weekly message each Friday.
By the way, have you noticed the messages appear on Facebook and Twitter now, too? That’s one of the outcomes from the behind-the-scenes work on our website which took place over the half-term.
Congratulations to Mr Parker
Posted on 07 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
As school reopens to all our children, there’ll be a teacher missing on Monday.
That’s because Mr Parker and his wife welcomed their baby boy into the world very early on Sunday morning. Congratulations to both of them.
So, Year 2 will have to wait a little longer to see Mr Parker.
As he starts his paternity leave, Miss Rushbrooke is returning from her maternity leave so she will be teaching Year 2, along with Miss Needham, while Mr Parker spends time with the new arrival.
Today’s message (Friday 05 March 2021)
Posted on 05 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
And we made it! After nine weeks, we’re sooooo looking forward to seeing you all again next week.
Just like the Spring-Summer closure, we know things have been tough for you – in many ways, tougher. We’re sure you’ve done a really good job in supporting your child’s home learning journey.
We’ve been overwhelmed with the positive comments you’ve sent us – these have really helped get us through this period.
This week, we’ve been communicating some key information about Monday 08 March and onwards. The information is all in this guide – do check it out. It’s quite long, but we’ve tried to make it easy to use – the first two sections are the most important.
Some children have told us in Zooms or phone calls that they’re worried they might’ve missed some of the learning. If your child has raised this concern, please reassure them. We’ve re-organised our curriculum to help with this (Section 3 of the guide provides an overview of this).
This letter comes from Leeds City Council: ‘we are asking you to do everything you can to keep rates of transmission down both within our communities and within schools’. (Sections 2 and 5 of the guide provides guidance about how you and your family can do exactly that.)
We mentioned yesterday that children should come wearing their PE kit on PE days, as in Autumn. Here’s a reminder of those days:
- Reception: Wednesday, Friday
- Year 1: Tuesday, Thursday
- Year 2: Tuesday, Friday
- Year 3: Tuesday, Thursday
- Year 4: Wednesday, Thursday
- Year 5: Monday, Thursday
- Year 6: Monday, Wednesday
Enjoy the weekend with the light at the end of the tunnel shining on you and your family.
Today’s message (Thursday 04 March 2021)
Posted on 04 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
Today’s message features more information to prepare you for your child returning to school from Monday 08 March onwards. All this information is contained in the Parents’ Guide.
Things to bring to school
We’re continuing to limit the number of things that children bring in to school. Your child should bring only:
- a small school bag
- a filled water bottle, big enough to last the day
- jacket
- lunch box (if they’re not having a school dinner)
- fruit, as a mid-morning snack
- hand cream (optional, but this could be really useful)
- sun hat when appropriate
Reading books will be sent home. When they come back to school, we’ll place them in isolation for a fixed length of time.
Your child’s Homework book will be sent home at the start of the term and should stay at home for the first few weeks at least.
To begin with, children in Y3 and Y4 can cycle or scoot and leave their bike at school (we’ve chosen these two year groups because their classrooms are so close to the bike shelter). We’ll review this: we aim to invite more children over time.
School uniform
As in the Autumn term, your child should wear their usual school uniform. Please make sure your child is wearing enough layers to stay warm indoors because windows and doors will be open more than they normally would.
Clean top layers can help stop the spread of the virus (an alternative is to rotate the top layers every three days).
On the days your child has PE, they should come to school in their PE kit. (Track-suit bottoms instead of shorts would be good on colder days.)
Lunch and refreshments
If your child has a school dinner, there’ll be two options: one warm, one cold. Both of these will be served as a takeaway-style meal. We’ll keep reviewing this: we’ll offer a regular menu as soon as we can. Other children should bring a packed lunch as normal.
If your child has milk, this will still be provided. Your child must bring water in their own water bottle, taken home each day. Your child might want to bring some fruit for a mid-morning snack.
Out of school club and other provision after school
If you use external companies for wraparound care (such as CandyStripe), details can be confirmed with the provider. We’ll liaise with them so they’re informed of the measures we’re taking to stay safe. The use of an external company and their safety arrangements around Covid-19 is a responsibility shared between the parent/carer and the company.
We’re hoping to get some outdoor after-school clubs up-and-running in the Summer Term.
If you use external providers for childcare, or your child attends clubs after school, government guidance is that it might help to stop the spread of the coronavirus if you limit these in a reasonable way:
‘parents and carers… should be limiting their use of multiple out-of-school settings, and should as far as possible only be sending their children to one out-of-school setting, in addition to school, in order to minimise mixing.’
Please do check the Parents’ Guide. As always, please let us know if you’ve any questions, comments or concerns.
We’re all really looking forward to seeing you and your child next week.
Today’s message (Wednesday 03 March 2021)
Posted on 03 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
We’re continuing our updates to help you prepare for your child returning to school next week. All the information you need (and more!) is in our March Onwards Parents’ Guide.
It’s still important to reduce ‘people traffic’ around school at the start and end of the school day by staggering the start and end times. The times remain as before:
- Reception: 8.30am start and 3.00pm end
- Year 1: 8.50am start and 3.20pm end
- Year 2: 8.40am start and 3.10pm end
- Year 3: 8.40am start and 3.10pm end
- Year 4: 9.00am start and 3.30pm end
- Year 5: 8.50am start and 3.20pm end
- Year 6: 9.00am start and 3.30pm end
Where you have children in different classes, please bring all children at the earliest time and pick up at the earliest time. For example, a family with a child in Y3, Y4 and Y6 would bring all children at 8.40am and pick all children up at 3.10pm. Siblings will be in the playground with an adult ready to be collected.
Class teachers know which siblings to expect if children arrive earlier than their allocated class time.
Other things you can do to help
- Please be punctual. This will help us to keep our community safe by reducing congestion.
- Use the one-way system as you enter and leave the school site, sticking to the right hand side of the path.
- If you’re waiting in the playground, please ensure your child stands with you and doesn’t mix with other children who may be in a different bubble. Children mixing across bubbles undermines our risk assessment.
- Where possible, just one adult should come into the playground – this reduces the number of adults on site.
- Please leave the school site immediately after dropping off or picking up.
- Avoid congregating in the playground and always keep at least 2 metres from other families.
- Avoid coming into the school building where necessary; if you need to visit the office, only enter if there’s nobody waiting.
- Please wear a mask when you’re at school unless there’s a health reason for you not to do so.
As always, we really appreciate your co-operation and support.