Year 3 Class News

Three peaks in eight weeks- walking challenge!

Posted on Monday 01 February 2021 by Mrs McCormick

The Sphere Year 3/4 Team would absolutely love you to be part of this awesome challenge this February and March. We want to get you walking or running (or scooting!) as much as you can over the next two months.

Every time you do a walk or run, add the distance completed (and your time taken to complete this) in your chart. We will be adding up everyone’s distances each week to see how many of us can ‘climb’ the National three peaks. In topic this week and next, we will be learning about some mountains in the UK, so what could be better than a virtual mountain climbing challenge!

The three mountains in the challenge are the highest in each country in the UK:

  • Snowdon, in Wales (1085m) Distance: 7 miles / 11.75 km
  • Scafell Pike, in England (978m) Distance: 5.5 miles / 9 km
  • Ben Nevis, in Scotland (1345m) Distance: 10.75 miles / 17km

You can record your steps taken (paces). The whole route is 37.75 kilometres long, and the average human step (or pace) is 0.75 metres. So you have to take 50,333 steps in total to complete the Three Peaks. Recording steps (paces) taken is easy – you can use a Fitbit, pedometer or just count your steps. A phone can track how many steps you take and how far you walk all by itself, if you walk with an adult who has a phone.

The idea is to make this as much fun as possible, to motivate you to get outdoors and maybe encourage as many of your family and your friends to do the same thing.

You don’t have to do the whole route. Maybe you can choose to ‘walk’ just one mountain, or two – it’s up to you and what you can achieve.

Throughout the month, we will share photos and graphics of the distances you’ve travelled. From this, we can show who has travelled up the peaks and what location we can reach together. Hopefully, we can find ways to help you during this challenge and through this you can share stories, pictures and videos with those joining in this challenge. All ‘Three peaks in eight weeks’ challenge walkers will receive certificates for effort and participation:-

Mountain 1 = Bronze; Mountain 2 = Silver; Mountain 3 = Gold.

recording steps chart

Home Learning Heroes!

Posted on Friday 22 January 2021 by Mr Wain

Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

It’s the second week of our new style of home learning – check out the work from our Home Learning Heroes this week!

Scroll down to see these different pieces of our home learning from this week. Can you find your home learning? Can you find a friend’s home learning?

Come back every Friday to check out some of the work Y3 have been doing that week at home.

Some great learning this week and it’s lovely seeing so many of you on the daily Zoom sessions with such enthusiasm about our learning. Keep it up!

If your work hasn’t been featured on this week’s Home Learning Heroes, please send your home learning to me:

Mr Wain

Home Learning Heroes!

Posted on Friday 15 January 2021 by Mr Wain

Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well.

Welcome to our first Home Learning Heroes post in Y3!

Scroll down to see different pieces of our home learning from this week. Can you find your home learning? Can you find a friend’s home learning?

Come back every Friday to check out some of the work Y3 have been doing that week at home.


Well done to everybody for their amazing attitude towards their learning and wellbeing! Keep it up.

If your work hasn’t been featured on this week’s Home Learning Heroes, please send your home learning to me:

Mr Wain

Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 05 January 2021 by Mr Wain

Happy New Year, Y3!

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas holiday and that you are all happy and healthy!

Click on this video to see what your home learning will look like over the coming weeks.

Email me at if you have any questions.


Thank you from Mr. Wain & Mrs. Maqbool!

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020 by Mr Wain

Dear parents/carers,

As we can’t send Christmas cards this year, Mrs. Maqbool and I have decided to write a class news post instead!

We want to thank you for all the support you have shown both your children and us over the last term – it is massively appreciated and the children have done extremely well! We are so proud of them.

Thank you as well for all the lovely gifts that you have bought us! It’s so kind and thoughtful and we are extremely grateful! We have both decided to open our gifts on Christmas Day – we can’t wait! Thank you again!

We hope you all have a lovely, well earned, Christmas break and enjoy seeing off what has been a trickier year!

Thanks again for all the support you give all the time – see you in 2021!

Mr. Wain and Mrs. Maqbool

A Christmas Visit from Y3!

Posted on Tuesday 15 December 2020 by Mr Wain

Last week, in Y3, we prepared a couple of christmassy things for parents and carers to enjoy!

Our first christmassy video shows Y3 reading a famous poem: A visit from St. Nicholas by Clement Clarke Moore.

After we had performed this, we enjoyed singing along to our favourite carol as voted for by the class – Jingle Bells.

Click on the links above and enjoy!


Muffling Sound!

Posted on Monday 14 December 2020 by Mr Wain

In our science lessons this half term, we have been learning all about sound.

Last week, we learnt about how sound travels in waves and that it has to travel through a medium to reach our ears.

Most recently, we have been learning about which materials muffle (make quieter) sound the best – these are called sound insulators.

Here are some pictures of us muffling the sound of a buzzer using different materials such as foil, cloth and a plastic box.

After we had observed what happened when we muffled the buzzer with the different materials, we measured the number of decibels the buzzer produced before and after we muffled it.

We recorded these using the Numbers app and then made our own bar charts to show the data.

Ask your child if they can remember which material was the best sound insulator and why!

As an added challenge for your child, see if they can remember what medium and sound source mean!

Living and Learning

Posted on Saturday 12 December 2020 by Mr Wain

During the last 3 weeks of term, in our Living and Learning sessions, we have been learning about relationships.

Recently, in Y3, we talked about the different relationships we have with our family and friends. We also discussed the stages of life that our family and ourselves are at, ranging from babies, children, teenagers, adults to elders.

Here are some pictures of the Y3s drawing the people in their family and labelling what stage of life they are in.

Santa dash Friday 11 December

Posted on Wednesday 09 December 2020 by Mrs Taylor

Leeds North East Schools Sport Partnership is delighted to be supporting the School Games National Santa Dash 2020 on Friday 11 December and we are excited to be taking part.
During the school day, each class will have a time when they can run, walk, skip, hop around the school grounds to get active.
Children can wear their PE kit and are encouraged to add some festive cheer by bringing a santa/elf hat, some tinsel, antlers or painting their nose red. These should be brought to school and worn for the Santa Dash only.
There is no monetary contribution needed for this event.

School menu change and Christmas meal

Posted on Sunday 29 November 2020 by Mrs Taylor

We really appreciate your patience regarding school dinners and the choices we have been able to provide.  We’ve been very conscious that changes needed to be made and a hot dinner offered wherever possible.  Over the next few weeks, we’re going to trial a menu on a two week rota and if this is successful, then it will be carried on after the school holiday and reviewed again.
There are two options each day, a vegetarian and a meat option but there is one day a week which is ‘meat free’.
We’re not in a position to resume ‘normal dinners’ but this is a step in the right direction. Click here to see the new menu and we encourage you to discuss and share the options with your children.
We are also able to offer a Christmas dinner option on Thursday 10th December. Please inform the office if your child would like a school meal on this day.