Class News

Coronation Celebration

Posted on Monday 08 May 2023 by Miss Goswami

On Friday, we celebrated the coronation by coming to school in red, white and blue. At lunchtime, we had an indoor picnic and afterwards we had an assembly all about our new King. In class, we then created a college of King Charles III using images that represented London.


Coronation Day!

Posted on Saturday 06 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Yesterday, we celebrated the King’s coronation!

We came to school dressed in the colours of the Union Jack: red, white and blue. At lunchtime, we came to the hall to have an indoor picnic. We then spent the afternoon making crowns, decorating bookmarks and making coronation collages!


King’s Coronation!

Posted on Friday 05 May 2023 by Mrs Lake

Today, we have celebrated the upcoming king’s coronation. The children looked very colourful in their red, white and blue clothes. We have enjoyed a delicious picnic lunch in the hall, an informative assembly about the coronation and some craft activities. We made crowns, bookmarks and a collage.

Help at home by talking about the coronation and enjoying the coronation weekend with family.


Summer 1: Week 3

Posted on Friday 05 May 2023 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’ve been very busy getting ready for the King’s Coronation this weekend.
This afternoon, we had lots of fun reading The King’s Pants by Nicholas Allan. Throughout the week, we designed a new pants for The King to wear on different occasions.

The King will wear my knickers…

FlM – when he sees a rainbows.
HB – when he goes to a party.
AS – on a school trip.
TH – when he comes to my house.
AM – to a wedding.
AP – at a tea party.
SL – at Christmas
HM – when he’s exploring.
AT – when he’s crowned King Charles.

Today, we enjoyed a picnic style lunch in the hall with our friends.

This afternoon, we thought about different questions we would like to ask King Charles.

SB – Do you watch TV?
HM – Why is it called a Coronation?
AM – Who’s your favourite brother?
TH – What’s your favourite thing to do?
LC – What’s your favourite teddy?

This week, we used our imagination to write our own versions of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. They came up with some fantastic ideas!

HM – The Very Hungry Bee
SL – The Very Hungry Ladybug
JQ – The Very Hungry Stag Beetle
AS – The Very Hungry Spider
TH – The Very Hungry Ant

On Wednesday, the children were eager to check on how much the caterpillars had grown.

LN – They are spiky
LC – They are really big now.
AM – They are climbing to the top.
EC – They look might make a chrysalis soon.

Yesterday, we looked at different types of butterflies and talked about what they look like.

JQ – They have wings.
AP – They are symmetrical.
EC – They have lots of colours.
AS – They are beautiful!
LC – They have legs.

Help at home: The life cycle of a butterfly has four stages. Can your child remember the four stages? Draw a picture of the life cycle.
Yesterday afternoon, we had our second Foot—Tech session. We continued to practise the three key skills: push, kick and throw.
Amazing writing!
Every morning, after the children have done their morning jobs, they do a morning activity. Yesterday, Miss Gaunt and I were blown away by their writing! Some of the children wanted us to take a photo of their writing to show you at home.
Help at home: Write a sentence about this picture.
We hope you have a fabulous long weekend with family and friends. See you on Tuesday.

King’s Coronation!

Posted on Friday 05 May 2023 by Mr McGriffiths

Today we celebrated the upcoming coronation of the King! We came dressed in the colours of the Union Jack: red, white and blue. At lunchtime we came to the hall with Reception and Year 2 to have an (indoor) picnic! It was delicious!

After lunch, we did some brilliant crafting, including making our very own crowns!

Help at home by talking to your child about the coronation and how it is an important in event in our recent British history.

Red Cross: Asylum Seekers

Posted on Friday 05 May 2023 by Mr Wain

On Friday morning, we had a visitor from the Red Cross visit Year 6 to help us learn about refugees and asylum seekers.

We discussed empathy and the experience of asylum seekers, thinking about how we would respond if we were forced to flee our country. We read a story about a 13-year-old Syrian refugee and used key words from the story to create a poem.

Here is a poem written by one of our Year 6s:

School is free
Healthcare is free
Loving family
Everything changed
Uncle died
Have to move
Have to prove my identity
Been abused
Been robbed
Need to rotate
To reunite with my family


Help at home: ask your child what a refugee is and one thing they would do differently after today’s workshop.


What haven’t they done?

Posted on Thursday 04 May 2023 by Mrs Weekes

Your two days of peace and quiet may be coming to an end but rest assured that your mini humans have had an amazing day and there is more to come tomorrow.

There have been surprising daredevils (sometimes the quietest ones are the bravest!) and some amazing discoveries! Lighting fires and a bit of foraging means they can survive anywhere – well maybe not but they have certainly learnt new skills.

There has been a flurry of photos sent tonight so I can’t post them all but here are a few and I hope that you can see why we go on residential.

A massive thank you to Miss Birch, Mrs Charlesworth and Miss Gilliland for giving up their time and  making this happen – I feel the long weekend might be very welcome after the last couple of days.

Learning at home

Posted on Thursday 04 May 2023 by Mrs Taylor

We continue to award learning at home certificates every Tuesday for Lexia, Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars. These are for achievement and effort.

Congratulations to the eleven children who have achieved their Level 9 (end of Year 2 learning) certificate for Lexia and the additional five children who are working on Level 9 currently.

For those children working towards Level 9, please continue to work on Lexia at home (little and often is best!).

Living and Learning: I know the importance of a healthy diet.

Posted on Wednesday 03 May 2023 by Mrs Wood

In our living and learning session today, we discussed the importance of a healthy diet.

What do you think we mean by a healthy, balanced diet?

SSK – Diary is part of a balanced diet.
HW – Vitamins are good for you because they make you healthy.
HA – You need 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day.
LN – Milk keeps your bones strong.

What foods do you enjoy?

FlM – Vegetables!
MB – Fruit – we eat it at school for snack.
AP – I eat steak.
TH – I eat fish.

Help at home: Look at the Eatwell Guide again at home. Can you see any foods you include in your diet? Can you tell your adult what food groups they are in?

Living and learning: Sun safety

Posted on Wednesday 03 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

This half term in Living and Learning, our topic is ‘healthy me’. We are learning about the different ways we can keep our bodies healthy.

Last week, Year 3 learnt about sun safety and the positives and negatives of being out in the sun.

Have a look at some of Year 3’s suggestions for how to stay safe in the sun!

Help at home by asking your child how they can stay safe in the sun this summer.