Geography: Green Space is Vital!
This week, the children have been learning about green spaces and why they are vital. In the lesson, Year 5 were asked to find posters around the room which had facts on them; they had to summarise the key points and write the information on their whiteboards. They then created their own posters with the facts and statistics.
Help at home: Discuss why green space is vital to humans, animals and the environment.
Why are green spaces so important?
As geographers, it’s vital to understand the world around you and the many benefits that physical features can provide.
Y6 have been exploring what urban green spaces are, where they can be found and why they’re so important.
Evie said, “It’s not just one person’s job, it’s everyone’s responsibility to keep our locality (like green spaces) clean, tidy and safe.”
This linked nicely with our Living and Learning theme of the week – I know that rights come with responsibilities.
Have a look at some of the fantastic posters explaining the many benefits of green spaces.
Challenge your child to match the benefit we talked about in class to each of the little pictures below!
Super spelling
This week’s spelling has been about contractions.
Help at home by spotting them in your book when you’re reading together.
Today, the challenge was to write some silly sentences which contained contractions. Y6 were great at it – it didn’t take long!
Here’s how they got on…
They’re a bit sillier than normal because we added in the challenge of including this half term’s spellings, too!
Challenge your child to tell you the expanded forms on the contractions within this post.
Leeds Diving Training Scheme
Living and Learning
Last week, our Living and Learning statement was ‘I can use good manners’. During our lesson about this, we discussed what manners are and some good examples of good ones!
Manners are words and actions that we can do to help us be kind and respectful to others. Good manners help us to get on well with others.
Here are some of our examples;
- Saying hello to someone and asking how they are.
- Using our ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when needed.
- Holding the door open for someone.
- Helping someone if their hands are full.
- Using kind words when talking to others.
This week, our statement is ‘I know that rights come with responsibilities’. A right a is moral or legal entitlement to have or do something. A responsibility is having a duty to deal with something.
We have lots of rights such as; a right to vote, a right to feel happy, a right to be heard and a right to learn. With these rights, come responsibilities such as, a responsibility to listen to others, to be kind to others and to help others learn.
Help at home: reinforce these messages about using good manners and being responsible at home as well as at school. Encourage your child to greet the adults on the gate as they arrive at school.
Chop Chop
Click here to watch last week’s poem.
Help at home: Practise the poem at home. You could even teach your adults the actions!
Living and Learning: Manners
Manners are words and actions that we can do to help us be kind and respectful to others. Good manners help us to get on well with others.
We thought about examples of good manners and we did some role play to model these good manners.
We linked manners to our reading lesson using these two poems.
Help at home: reinforce this message about using good manners at home as well as at school. Encourage your child to greet the adults on the gate as they arrive at school.
Also, have a go at this manners quiz to check your child’s understanding.
Reading records
Last year, we enjoyed exploring our love of reading through our reading records.
As a reminder, here is the key information you and your child need to know about:
- Each time one of the children signs out a new book to read from the library, they can make note of these in the book and rate them out of 5 stars.
- Every Friday, I chose an activity for the whole class to complete in their reading record. More information on these activities is found inside the record.
- The children bring in these reading records every Friday for our Book Club lesson where we’ll discuss their books and develop their love of reading.
- Please accompany your child’s weekly activity with a short comment sharing with us the reading their child has been doing at home.
Take a look at some fabulous activities Year 4 have completed so far this year!
Reading: Year 5 and Reception
As you all know, we love to read at Moortown Primary School. Year 5 will be reading with Reception every Friday. It was lovely to see and hear all the children engaged in a story.
Autumn 1: Week 3
This week, our focus story has been The Great Big Book of Families by Hoffman Mary. After reading the book, we talked about our families and drew pictures of them.
Yesterday, we talked about different types of houses and drew a picture of our house.
This week, we’ve focussed on perceptual subitising (recognising the number of objects without counting) up to 3. We’ve been learning how to use our fast eyes when looking at small sets of objects.
Help at home: Can you say how many dots there are without counting?
This week, we’ve learnt more phase 2 phonemes: i, n, m and d. We’ve been trying really hard to pronounce the phonemes correctly. We’ve also started writing initial sounds in our phonics books.
Help at home: Don’t forget to use your weekly phonics home learning sheet!
Poetry Picnic
Every week, when we’re having our milk and snack, we’ll learn a poem. Throughout the week, we’ll rehearse it, practise the actions and talk about the poem. On Fridays, we’ll perform our poem for you to watch at home. Video coming soon!
Every Friday, your child will bring a paper copy of the poem home for you to keep practising at home.
Reading daily at home is an essential part of your child’s reading journey. Please make sure your write in your child’s reading record and return it every Thursday. If you have any issues logging onto Collins eBooks, please let me know.
Check out what else we’ve been up to in Reception!
Thank you to all the parents/carers who attended the Reception welcome meeting on Tuesday. It was great to see so many of you. As always, if you have any questions or would like to share any home learning please use our Reception email
Click here to find out about the Reception baseline assessment.