Class News

Looking forward to a new year!

Posted on Tuesday 05 September 2023 by Miss Birch

Hello Year 3!

As you know, I’m Miss Birch and I’m going to be your teacher for the next year! I’m really looking forward to working with all of you. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer holiday and are raring to come back. I just know that we’re going to be a fabulous team – bring it on!


Posted on Monday 04 September 2023 by Mrs Wood

We’re looking to you seeing you all soon. We’ve been super busy getting the classroom ready for when you arrive.
Here’s a sneak peak of some of the areas…
Every morning, we’ll encourage your child to be independent when doing their daily jobs. The jobs include: hanging up their coat, finding their name, choosing their lunch, and voting for the end of the day story.

  • PE will be every Friday. Your child should come to school in their PE kit. Our first PE session will be on Friday 22 September. Click here if you’re unsure about any items of clothing or footwear.
  • Your child will need a labelled water bottle each day. Please ensure the bottle only contains water – no juice, please!
  • The school day is 8.45 am – 3.15 pm.
  • Please make sure all items of clothing are NAMED.

If you have any questions, please ask at the end of the day.

See you all soon!

Goodbye Reception!

Posted on Wednesday 26 July 2023 by Mrs Wood

I can’t believe your Reception year has come to an end.  We’ve had a magical journey full of joy and laughter.

For my last post, I thought it would be nice to look back on your fantastic year. Click here to reflect and watch some of your amazing highlights.
Parents/carers, you might want to grab a tissue!

Finally, keep reading and have a happy and healthy summer! I look forward to giving you a wave in your new Year 1 classroom.

Sorry this post is delayed!



A fun-filled last week!

Posted on Friday 21 July 2023 by Mr Roundtree

It has been a jam packed week in Year 3!

A highlight was definitely our school trip to Magna. The children loved exploring the four different pavilions: air, wind, fire and earth. A class favourite was definitely seeing the fire tornado!

We finished our go-karts and tested them in the hall. They all moved freely which met our design criteria.

Today, we propagated our much loved Swiss Cheese plant. We have placed our cutting in some water and hope that some roots have grown by the time we come back in September!

On behalf of Mrs Burgess, Mrs Maqbool and myself, thank you for a great year. Thank you all very much for our lovely gifts – we feel spoilt!

Have a great summer and see you in September!

Have a happy and healthy summer

Posted on Friday 21 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lake and Mrs Roth would like to thank you for all our kind and generous gifts and cards.

We have had a great year with the children and it has been a pleasure to teach them and see how much they have progressed and matured over the year. We shall miss them!

We hope you all have a happy and healthy summer holiday.

Fun and games!

Posted on Friday 21 July 2023 by Mrs Lake

In Year 1 and Year 2, we’re enjoying our last day of the term with board games, construction toys and colouring. The children have had a wonderful morning playing, smiling and working together.
Have a happy and healthy summer holiday!

A SMASHING masterpiece!

Posted on Friday 21 July 2023 by Miss Goswami

Yesterday, the children finished off their Eggy’s cars. They added safety features like seat belts, crumple zones and a roll cage. Take a look at their fabulous work!

To complete our DT project, the children then had to test their cars against the design brief. We completed three tests:

  • if it was moveable (roll test);
  • if it would protect Eggy when the vehicle crashed (crash test);
  • and if it was driveable day and night (headlight test).

For the crash test, the children pushed their cars down a ramp into a wall to see if Eggy would still be in intact. Take a look at our SMASHING experiment!

Introducing Eggy the Eggs!

Posted on Thursday 20 July 2023 by Miss Goswami

Today the children created their Eggy the Egg characters for their DT projects. Introducing:





Mark Dogeburg


007 Eggy

Bob Ross




Science: animals (including humans)

Posted on Wednesday 19 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

This half term, our science learning has been all about animals including humans. We have been biologists. Here is the key vocabulary we have been learning and using.

This video introduced the learning by helping us to think about what animals need to survive – what are their basic needs?

This text helped us to learn about life cycles.

We carried out an investigation to see if older children have bigger heads (and they did!). Ask your child why that is.

Our latest science learning fit in well with our Being Healthy themed week learning all about exercise and why our body needs it and why it is important to have a balanced diet based on the Eatwell Guide.

Year 1 and 2 joined together for this learning.

Finally, we learnt about the importance of hygiene and keeping ourselves clean.

We also concluded our observations over time. Here is the tree in our front playground with photos taken in January, May and July. We discussed the differences between the photos and the reasons for these. Ask your child what type of tree this is and how they know.

Every week, we measure the temperature and we observe the weather. We looked at how these have changed over the year and the link between the seasons.

Help at home: Can your child suggest some ways they could become healthier at home?

Thank you to Roundhegians

Posted on Wednesday 19 July 2023 by Mrs Taylor

We had a great sports day last Thursday and thanks go to Roundhegians Rugby Club for once again allowing us to use their great facilities.

Have a look at the options for rugby coaching available at the club.

We know the children appreciated it too.